In cases in which the Building Inspector has been unable to give to the owner annual notice of hearing in the manner provided in § 150.41 and has given such notice by posting and publishing the same as authorized in § 150.41 and the owner has failed or refused to comply with the order or direction of the Building Inspector to demolish and remove the building or take such other remedial action as will remove the hazards and such case is referred to the City Council for action, the City Council shall, before taking such action, cause to be posted on the outside of the building in question at least ten days prior to the date fixed for the hearing and published one time in a newspaper published in the city at least one week prior to the date fixed for such hearing, a written notice stating the address or location of the building involved and the time, place, and purpose of the hearing and such other information as the City Council may deem advisable.
(Prior Code, § 150.086)