(A)   System adopted. The property numbering and street naming system adopted on February 10, 1981, shall be controlling within the city limits and is incorporated herein by reference, and a copy of such is on file in the office of the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 93.40)
   (B)   Owners to purchase numbers. Every property owner of improved property shall purchase and display in a conspicuous place on the property the assigned number which shall be a minimum of three inches high and of a type approved by the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 93.41)
   (C)   Unlawful to deface number. It shall be unlawful for any person to alter, deface, or take down any number placed on any property in accordance with this section except for repair or replacement of the number.
(Prior Code, § 93.42) Penalty, see § 10.99