For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPEALS OFFICIAL. The City Manager or his or her designee.
   ARREST. To place a person under actual or constructive restraint or to take person into custody for the purpose of charging that person with an offense.
   CONVICTION. An adjudication of guilt following a trial or plea of guilty or no contest in a criminal case.
   ESSENTIAL NEEDS. Food, physical care, and medical attention.
   PROSTITUTION-EXCLUSION ZONE. An area of the city as designated by City Council under this subchapter, which is an area where the number of arrests for any of the offenses enumerated in this subchapter for the preceding 12-month period is significantly higher than that for other similarly sized geographic areas of the city that are not located with a prostitute-exclusion zone.
   RIGHT-OF-WAY. The area on a public roadway, highway, street, bicycle lane, or sidewalk and associated adjacent land in which the city had a property interest, whether by easement or fee, regardless of how acquired or established, for public travel purposes.
   TRAVEL. The movement on foot or within a vehicle within a prostitute-exclusion zone from one point to another without delay other than to obey traffic control devices.
(Ord. passed - -2006)