(A)   The Administrative Official shall conduct a hearing to determine whether or not a license should be suspended or revoked, with the hearing conducted within ten working days of his or her knowledge that:
      (1)   The owner or operator of an adult establishment or the holder of a license as an entertainer has violated or knowingly allowed or permitted the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter;
      (2)   There have been recurrent violations of provisions of this chapter that have occurred under such circumstances that the owner or operator of an adult establishment knew or should have known that such violations were committed;
      (3)   The license was obtained through false statements in the application for such license or renewal thereof;
      (4)   The license has been materially altered or defaced or is being or was used by a person other than the license holder or at a location other than that identified on the license or for a use or type other than that for which the license was issued;
      (5)   The licensee failed to make a complete disclosure of all information in the application for such license or renewal thereof;
      (6)   The owner or operator or any partner or any corporate officer or director holding an adult establishment license has become disqualified from having a license by a conviction as provided in this chapter;
      (7)   The holder of an entertainer license has become disqualified from having a license by a conviction as provided in this chapter; or
      (8)   The owner or operator of the adult establishment fails to provide to the Administrative Official a comprehensive written list of all employees to include any and all entertainers working on the premises on the first working day of any given month.
   (B)   At the hearing, the licensee shall have an opportunity to be heard, to present evidence, and to be represented by an attorney. Based on the evidence produced at the hearing, the Administrative Official shall take, within five working days after the hearing, any of the following actions: suspend the license for up to 90 days; revoke the license; place the license holder on administrative probation for a period of up to one year, on the condition that no further violations of this chapter occur during the period of probation; or take no action.
   (C)   The Administrative Official shall provide written notice of his or her decision to the applicant by certified mail, return receipt requested. The notice shall be sent immediately after the Administrative Official determines what action to take, as described herein.
   (D)   In the event of suspension or revocation of the license or the placement on administrative probation, the licensee shall have the right to appeal that determination to the Board of Adjustment of the city within 30 days of receipt of the notice of suspension, revocation, or probation. The licensee shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Board of Adjustment of the city to the Superior Court of Richmond County within 30 days of the date of decision by the Board is rendered.
(Prior Code, § 114.08) (Ord. passed 2-9-2001)