(A)   The Chief of Police, subject to approval by the City Manager, shall establish and cause the enforcement of reasonable rules and regulations for licensees as from time to time he or she deems appropriate for the safety, well-being, and protection of citizens within his or her jurisdiction and their property.
(Prior Code, § 113.40)
   (B)   (1)   It shall be the responsibility of any licensee to secure, in a safe manner, any vehicle or personal property contained in the vehicle that is placed in the custody of the licensee as a result of being called by the Police Department to perform a tow. The area within which the vehicle and/or personal property shall be stored shall meet the minimum requirements of § 113.03(I).
      (2)   If, at the time the vehicle was towed, the storage area provided by the licensee is full, then the property elsewhere as permitted by the Police Department.
      (3)   In the event that the vehicle or personal property placed in his or her custody is the subject of a police investigation for evidentiary purposes and the storage area is full, then the licensee shall immediately contact the Wrecker Inspector or the desk sergeant on duty and make arrangements to secure the vehicle and/or personal property in a safe manner.
(Prior Code, § 113.41)
   (C)   No licensee may respond to the scene of an accident or emergency for the purpose of towing vehicles unless specifically called there by the police or person involved in the accident or emergency. This section is intended to prohibit licensees from soliciting business at the scenes of accidents and emergencies and shall not be construed to prohibit any licensees from contracting with any person, firm, or corporations, provided the licensee or his or her agents and employees do not solicit towing contracts at the scene of accidents or emergencies.
(Prior Code, § 113.42)
Ord. passed 5-9-1989) Penalty, see § 10.99