(A)   (1)   Any dog or cat within the city without an owner that is given into the custody or a city animal control officer, pursuant to § 94.24, or any dog running at large shall be taken by a city animal control officer and confined in the animal shelter controlled by the county for a period established by the county for redemption by the owner.
      (2)   Complete and accurate records of all activities is the responsibility of the county.
(Prior Code, § 95.38)
   (B)   (1)   Immediately upon impounding an animal from the city, the animal shelter personnel shall attempt to notify the owner by telephone and inform such owner of the conditions whereby the animal may be redeemed.
      (2)   If the attempt to notify by telephone is unsuccessful, an official, dated, written notice shall be mailed to the owner’s address shown on records when a county privilege license was purchased.
(Prior Code, § 95.39)
(Ord. 6-3-07, passed - -2007)