(A)   Encumbering fire escapes. It shall be unlawful to encumber any fire escape, balcony, or ladder that is intended as a means of escape from fire. It shall be the duty of all police officers and firefighters who shall discover any encumbered fire escape to report the encumbrance through his or her Department to the Chief of the Fire Department, who shall immediately notify the owner, agent, or tenant to vacate or remove such encumbrance immediately.
(Prior Code, § 91.04)
   (B)   Exit signs in theaters. It shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal to see that every theater or motion picture house shall have a sign which is kept well lighted throughout each performance bearing the word “Exit” and showing where persons may exit.
(Prior Code, § 91.05)
   (C)   Passageways lit and unobstructed. All doors, aisles, and passageways within and leading into or out of theaters, churches, and other places of public assemblage shall be lighted during the entire time in which any show, performance, service, exhibition, lecture, concert, ball, or other assemblage is taking place and shall be free from signs, easels, chairs, sofas, benches, and any other articles that might obstruct or delay the exit of the audience.
(Prior Code, § 91.06)
   (D)   Lights regulated for explosive storage areas. It shall be unlawful to install or turn on any lights in any building where combustibles or explosives are stored without first having secured a permit from the Fire Marshal.
(Prior Code, § 91.09)
Penalty, see § 91.99