From and after the time of adoption of a major street plan by the city council and the State Highway Commission pursuant to provisions of G.S. section 136-66.2, and as amended, the city council shall have power to request, make, or cause to be made, from time to time, surveys for the exact locating of the lines of new, extended, widened, or narrowed streets and highways in the whole or any portion of the city and the area within one (1) mile outside of its corporate boundaries. Personnel making such surveys are empowered to enter upon lands, make examinations or surveys, and place and maintain necessary monuments thereon, at reasonable times and with due care for the property. A plat or plats of the area or areas thus surveyed shall be prepared on which are indicated the locations of the lines recommended as the planned or mapped lines of future streets, street extensions, street widenings or street narrowings. The preparation of such plat or plats shall not in and of itself constitute or be deemed to constitute the opening or establishment of any street or the taking or acceptance of any land for street purposes.