(A)   No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle except when conflict with other traffic is imminent or when so directed by a police officer or traffic control device in any of the following places:
      (1)   On a sidewalk;
      (2)   Within an intersection;
      (3)   On a crosswalk;
      (4)   Within 30 feet of any flashing beacon, stop sign, or traffic control signal located at the side of a street or roadway;
      (5)   On either side of any street leading to a railroad underpass or an overhead bridge within 50 feet in any direction of the outer edge of such underpass or overhead bridge;
      (6)   On either side of any street leading to a grade crossing within 50 feet of the closest rail; provided, where existing permanent structures are located closer than 50 feet, parking may be permitted in front of such structures, unless otherwise prohibited, and if such parking does not block the view in either direction of the approach of a locomotive or train;
      (7)   Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction if the stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic.
      (8)   Upon any bridge or other elevated structure or within any underpass structure;
      (9)   On the roadway side of any vehicle stopping, standing, or parking at the edge or curb of a street; and
      (10)   Within 15 feet of any fire plug or hydrant.
(Prior Code, § 72.03)
   (B)   When signs are placed prohibiting parking or when the curbing has been painted yellow, in lieu of such signs, no person shall park a vehicle, at any time, upon any of the streets so marked.
(Prior Code, § 72.05)
   (C)   (1)   Vehicular parking shall be prohibited in the areas described in this section in order to reduce the hazards associated with sight obstructions resulting from parked vehicles to:
         (a)   Prohibit vehicular parking within the right-of-way on the south side of U.S. 74 beginning at the point of intersect at the southwestern corner of the Walnut Lane, U.S. 74 intersection, proceeding westward along the U.S. 74 southern right-of-way line to a point 170 feet from the beginning;
         (b)   Prohibit vehicular parking adjacent to the curb line of U.S. 1 South on the west side of U.S. 1 at the intersection of Midway Road for a distance of 75 feet north of the point of intersect; and
         (c)   Prohibit vehicular parking on both sides of Biltmore Drive from the intersection of U.S. 74 to Cabell Boulevard.
      (2)   No person shall stop, leave standing, or park a motor vehicle in the areas specified in this section in violation of posted signs when signs are placed, erected, or installed giving notice that stopping, standing, or parking is regulated, prohibited, or prohibited during certain hours in that space or area.
      (3)   The provisions of this section shall be enforceable in the same manner as is used to enforce other parking regulations and ordinances, and penalties shall be the same as for the corresponding violation on publicly owned or controlled streets or property.
(Prior Code, § 72.06)
(Ord. 0-82-6, passed 8-10-1982) Penalty, see § 70.99
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see G.S. § 20-162