A.   The lengths of blocks should, as a general rule, not be less than 600 feet or more than 1,500 feet. Blocks over 900 feet may require crosswalks. Crosswalk dedication of not less than ten feet in width shall be provided where determined necessary by the Village at the approximate centers of the blocks. A sidewalk shall be constructed on the centerline, and full length of the crosswalk. The use of additional crosswalks in any instance to provide safe and convenient access to schools, parks, or other similar destinations will be specified by the Village.
   B.   No specific rule concerning the shape of blocks is made, but blocks must fit easily into the overall plan of the subdivision and their design must evidence consideration of lot planning, traffic flow and public areas.
   C.   Blocks intended for commercial and industrial use must be designated as such and the plan must show adequate off-street areas suitably surfaced to provide for parking, loading docks and such other facilities that may be required to accommodate motor vehicles; all in accordance with applicable Village ordinances and codes.
   D.   The minimum lot dimensions for residential development shall be pursuant to the Village Planning and Zoning chapters and at the established building line. Corner lots shall be sufficiently larger than interior lots to allow maintenance of building set back lines on both streets.
   E.   Building lines shall conform to the front yard provisions of the Planning and Zoning chapters, and in no instance shall the building lines be less than 25 feet from the street line.
   F.    16 All lots shall abut publicly dedicated streets, or private streets when allowed by the Village Board. No private road or street may be created after January 26, 2017 unless it is approved as part of a Planned Unit Development Overlay District.
      1.   A private road or street serving five or more lots or housing units shall comply with the design standards for public roads set forth in Appendix A, Section 6.
      2.   Appendix A, Section 6 shall apply to a private road or street serving fewer than five lots or housing units, provided, however, that the owners may vary from the construction standards, right-of- way width, roadway width and surface width set forth in Appendix A, Section 6, but shall comply, at a minimum, with the standards set forth in Wis. Stat. s. 86.26(1)(a).
      3.   All dead end private roads or street shall end in a cul-de-sac with a turning radius of at least 66 feet.
      4.   As a condition of approval of a private road or street, a homeowners association, property owners association or condominium association composed of the landowners on the private road or street shall be created that will have the power to impose and enforce a maintenance lien pursuant to Wis. Stat. s. 779.70, and covenants shall be agreed to that provide that the association shall control all private road or street maintenance and snow plowing. The covenants shall be recorded with the Racine County Register of Deeds.
   G.   Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles or radial to the street line.
   H   Double frontage lots are discouraged except where lots back upon a primary street (major thoroughfare) and in such instances, vehicular access between the lots and the thoroughfare is prohibited or where topography of the land might render subdividing otherwise unreasonable. Such lots shall have an additional rear yard depth of at least 20 feet in order to allow for a protective screen planting.
   I.   Lots abutting a limited access highway, railroad, watercourse, drainage way, channel, or stream shall have additional minimum width or depth as required to provide an adequate building site and afford the minimum usable area required in the Planning and Zoning chapters for front, rear and side yards.



16 Amended by Ordinance 2016-8, Adopted 12-12-16