For the purposes of this chapter, the standards contained in the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code shall be expanded to apply as the standards for construction of the following:
   A.   Additions, alterations and major equipment replacements for one and two family dwellings built prior to the enactment of current Uniform Dwelling Code.
   B.   Detached accessory buildings greater than 200 sq. ft. serving one and two family dwellings.
      1.   Frost Protection for Footings and Foundations.
      2.   Grade-beam slabs are required for structures with a continuous floating slab of reinforced concrete. The slab shall not be less than four inches in thickness. Reinforcement shall be a minimum of six by six inch, number ten wire mesh or by using 1.5 pounds of fiber mesh per cubic yard of concrete with varying fiber mesh lengths. The slab shall be provided with a thickened edge all around, eight inches wide and eight inches below the top of the slab.
      3.   Structures not constructed with a floating slab shall have footings and foundations placed below frost penetration level, but in no case less than 48 inches below grade or as otherwise provided in Wis. Admin. Code ch. SPS 321.
   C.   Detached accessory buildings less than 200 square feet in size. Concrete slabs, frost-free footings, and the like are not required, but if they are installed they shall follow B. above and/or Wis. Admin. Code ch. SPS 321. Wood bearing beams, walls or members in contact with the ground shall be pressure treated or decay resistant type wood per Wis. Admin. Code s. SPS 321.10.
   D.   Bath or toilet rooms shall be not less than fourteen square feet in area with a minimum width of three feet and shall have at least 100 cubic feet of air space for each water closet and urinal, in addition to the space required for other fixtures in the toilet room. To conform with conditions in older existing buildings, this requirement is subject to variance upon application to and approval by the Board of Appeals.
   E.   Construction sites. The property owners and the prime contractors in charge of any construction site shall maintain the construction site in such a manner that litter will be prevented from being carried from the premises by the elements. All litter from construction activities or any related activities shall be picked up at the end of each work day and placed in containers which will prevent litter from being carried away from the premises by the elements.
      1.   For major construction projects, i.e.: roof replacement, siding replacement, major modification as determined by the building inspector and including, but not limited to, razing or new construction there shall be a dumpster, the size to be determined by building inspector, on site in which to place all debris and litter.
      2.    2 Noise from Remodeling, Repair, Construction, Excavation or Demolition. It is unlawful and shall be considered a nuisance for any person to engage in the construction, including excavation and demolition, alteration, remodeling or repair of any building or structure; the construction of any roadway or other public improvements; or the operation or startup of any pile driver, power shovel, backhoe, bulldozer, pneumatic hammer, derrick, steam or electric hoist, or other construction machinery, the noise of which can be heard beyond the property lines, or the vibration of which can be felt beyond the property lines, other than between the hours of seven a.m. and seven p.m., Monday through Friday, or between the hours of eight a.m. and five p.m. on Saturdays without the approval of the Village board. No such work is permitted on Sundays and the following national holidays: Christmas, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day.
         a.   This subsection:
            (1)   does not prohibit a private person from working on the jobsite of a commercial or residential real estate development construction project on a Saturday.
            (2)   does not apply to a private person who works on a commercial or residential real estate development construction project on a Saturday if the person works between the hours of seven a.m. and seven p.m.
            (3)   does not preclude individual homeowners from doing work on buildings and structures located on the property on which they reside during daylight hours.
         b.   In the case of urgent necessity in the interest of public health and safety, the chairperson of the Village Public Works Committee or Village President can give written approval for such work. Such approval may be granted for a period not to exceed three days or less while the emergency continues and which may be renewed for periods of three days or less while the emergency continues. If the chairperson of the Public Works Committee or Village President should determine that the public health and safety will not be impaired by the erection, demolition, alteration or repair of any building, or the excavation of streets and highways within the hours of six p.m. and seven a.m., and if he shall further determine that loss or inconvenience would result to any party in interest, he may grant permission for such work to be done within the hours of seven p.m. and seven a.m., upon application being made at the time the permit for the work is awarded or during the progress of the work



2 Amended by Ordinance 2018-5, Adopted 8.6.18