A.   No person may locate, install, move, reconstruct, extend, enlarge, convert, substantially alter, or change the use of a private waste disposal system or parts thereof or a non-plumbing sanitation system without first obtaining a Sanitary Permit from Racine County in conformance with ch. 19 of the Racine County Code of Ordinances. A zoning permit for a principal structure or an addition thereto may not be issued until evidence of such compliance is provided to the Zoning Administrator.
   B.   Where the property to be served by a private sewage disposal system is in the planned urban service area of the Western Racine County Sewerage District, Racine County will require that the applicant for a sanitary permit provide a letter from the Village stating that the applicant is exempt from connection to the Village sewer main.
(Ord. 2023-11, passed 8-28-2023)