1 Notice of any public hearing which the Plan Commission, Village Board or Zoning Board of Appeals is required to hold under the terms of this Ordinance shall specify the date, time and place of said hearing and shall state the matter to be considered at said hearing. Notice shall be provided as required by applicable state statutes, inclusive of Class 2 notice prior to consideration of Planning and Zoning changes by the Village Board, Conditional Use Permits by the Village Board, and Zoning Board of Appeals hearings, along with notice to neighboring municipalities, the owner or operator of an airport, or the DNR where applicable. The following notifications shall be required in addition to the notice required by statute:
   A.   Posting of Signs.
      1.   Except as set forth in subsection 2., at least fourteen days prior to initial Plan Commission or Zoning Board of Appeals review, an applicant for a conditional use permit, zoning change or land division review shall post one or more signs, clearly visible from each adjoining road, advising of the pending conditional use, zoning change, or land division review. The signs shall remain in place until the day after final determination by the Plan Commission, Village Board, or Zoning Board of Appeals. The signs shall be provided by the Village and shall be returned by the applicant no later than two days after the public hearing. Improper posting may result in the Plan Commission delaying consideration until a later meeting.
      2.   In the event that the Village rezones more than 20 parcels of land as part of a Village- initiated rezoning, no signs shall be required, but notice to owners of the property being rezoned shall be provided as set forth in subsection B.2.
   B.   Written Notice.
      1.   Except as set forth in subsection 2., 14 days prior to initial Plan Commission review of an application for conditional use, zoning change, or land division, the Clerk shall send a written notice to the property owner and to the property owners abutting the subject property, including abutting owners on the opposite side of the street, advising of the date of the meeting when the proposal will first be considered.
      2.   In the event that the Village rezones more than 20 parcels of land as part of a Village- initiated rezoning related to state or federal requirements, or related to the adoption of a Planning and Zoning Ordinance with associated changes to the zoning designations to be reflected on the Zoning Map, written notice to abutting property owners shall not be required. The Clerk shall send a written notice to the owners of the property being rezoned, advising of the date of the public hearing when the rezoning will be considered.
      3.   No individual notice to property owners is required when the Village makes text changes to the Planning and Zoning Ordinance without changing the zoning designation of individual parcels. The Village shall provide all notices required by Wisconsin Statutes.
      4.   The Village shall maintain a list of persons who submit a written request to receive notice of any proposed zoning action that affects the allowable use of that person’s property and shall send the person notice as required by Wis. Stat. s. 62.23(7)d.4., but the applicable ordinance or amendment may take effect even if the Village fails to send such notice.
(Ord. 2019-1, passed 4-8-2019)



18 Amended 8-6-2018, Ordinance #2018-5