35-62 A-2 General Farming and Residential District
   A.   Uses. Uses in the A-1 General Farming and Residential District are allowed and/or limited as set forth below and in the referenced sections of this Municipal Code.
      1.   Permitted Principal Uses.
         All permitted principal uses in the A-1 General Farming District.
         One and two family dwellings, whether or not such dwelling is associated with farm operations.
          The principal structure shall be the residential structure, intended to service the parcel on which such residence is located.
      2.   Accessory Uses.
         See s. 35-21 of this Chapter.
      3.   Conditional Uses. See s. 35-100.
         All conditional uses in the A-l General Farming District, unless the use is a permitted use under subsection 1. or is revised below.
         The parking of school buses, semi-tractors and trailers or other vehicles of a commercial nature provided all such uses are at least 600 feet from any residential district and 100 feet from any other residence and landscape screening to be determined on a site specific basis is in place. If the vehicles are parked inside a structure, the above distance may be reduced. Only one vehicle unit (school bus, semi-tractor and trailer, etc.) may be allowed on a parcel land.
         Airstrips and landing fields for the use of the property owner for personal and farm related activities.
         Bed and Breakfast Establishments.
         Cluster Residential Developments.
         Manufactured Home Communities as set forth in s. 35-100.
         Storage and maintenance of construction equipment and vehicles. The storage area for all such equipment and vehicles shall be at least 600 feet from Residential, Institutional Park, and Recreational Park districts.
         Off season storage facilities for boats and other recreational vehicles, such as campers, travel trailers, snowmobiles, off-road vehicles and motor homes. Such storage may not occur in a barn or other accessory building that was constructed prior to January 1, 2000.
      Non-municipal, non-commercial off-road trails for off-road vehicles as set forth in s. 35-100 .
      Non-Agricultural Businesses as set forth in s. 35-100 .
   B.   Area Requirements
Minimum 150 feet
Single Family, 40,000 sq. ft.
Two Family, 80,000 sq. ft.
Maximum 35 feet
1,200 sq. ft. single story;
1,700 sq. ft. multiple story
Accessory Structures residential and farm (such as barns, silos, sheds and storage bins)
Maximum: Two times the distance from the nearest lot line
Yard (Setbacks)
Minimum 75 feet
Minimum 25 feet
Minimum 25 feet
(Ord. 2022-2, passed 6-6-2022; Ord. 2023-8, passed 6-12-2023)