(A)   Construction of the sewer shall be inspected under competent supervision supplied by a registered professional engineer and upon completion of construction, accurate detailed plans as constructed (“record drawings”) shall be certified and submitted by the professional engineer to the village before any applications for building sewer permits are filed; all at the expense of the owner. These plans shall show all elevations as installed as well as accurate measurements showing the locations of service connections. The engineer shall also submit a certified statement stating construction was in compliance with the approved construction drawings.
   (B)   All sewers shall be subjected to:
      (1)   A lamp test which shall provide that from one manhole to another, at least one-half of the pipe end area shall be visible.
      (2)   Infiltration or exfiltration test with acceptable allowance per the “standard specifications for water and sewer construction in Illinois.”
      (3)   Air pressure testing with acceptable allowable per the “standard specifications for water and sewer constructions in Illinois.”
   (C)   (1)   When any sewer line fails to pass the infiltration test, the exfiltration test or an air pressure test, the sewer line shall be televised in the presence of the village’s representatives to determine points of faulty construction. The determination and repair shall be the responsibility of the permit applicant.
      (2)   The owner shall repair all defects; the method of repair shall be subject to the approval of the village. (See Appendix #4.)
(2009 Code, § 39-4-45) (Ord. 92-3, passed 5-11-1992)