Upon satisfactory correction and/or completion of all subdivision improvements and recommendations by the Village Engineer, the village shall conditionally accept said improvements subject to a two-year guarantee period. The purpose of the conditional acceptance is to allow the village to begin maintenance and operational duties; however, the subdivider is still responsible to provide all the required improvements free of any defects, other than ordinary wear and tear and naturally occurring obsolescence, at the end of the two-year guarantee period. The conditional acceptance shall not be deemed to be a release by the village of the subdivider’s obligations hereunder. The Plat Officer shall notify the subdivider in writing, when the improvements have been conditionally accepted, and said date shall be the beginning of the two-year guarantee period.
(2009 Code, § 35-3-8) (Ord. 91-4, passed 5-6-1991; Ord. 97-6, passed 4-14-1997)