(A)   Only vehicles displaying a placard on the dashboard or rearview mirror, as issued by the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, or any successor agency thereof, or displaying a registration plate for persons with a physical challenge, may make use of the marked spaces pursuant to this section. Persons utilizing the spaces must obey all other regulations and restrictions effective in that zone.
   (B)   Parking of a vehicle by any person in a space designated hereunder, without a visible placard or registration plate for persons with a physical challenge showing such parking to be authorized, shall be unlawful, and shall subject the owner and driver of the vehicle so parked to the penalties provided for violators in this code.
   (C)   The Board of Public Works and Safety shall be empowered to establish and so designate accessible parking spaces at such places, and in such numbers that the designation shall comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act at all city on-street and off-street parking facilities.
(Ord. 08-2018, passed 6-26-18)