The following nonconforming uses of buildings, structures, and land shall be discontinued and completely removed from the premises, not to be resumed or otherwise maintained, within two (2) years from the date of the approval of this title or from the effective date of any subsequent change in this title that causes the use to thereafter become nonconforming:
   (A)   Any nonconforming use which is conducted primarily on open land and does not utilize any permanent enclosed building or structure, or where the only buildings or structures employed are accessory or incidental to such use.
   (B)   Any nonconforming building or structure having an assessed valuation not in excess of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) on the effective date of this zoning code.
   (C)   Any nonconforming junkyard or automobile wrecking yard. (Ord. 2005-04, 5-16-2005)