10-1-2: PURPOSE:
In accordance with division 13 of article 11 of the Illinois municipal code 1 , this zoning code establishes zoning regulations and standards for the following purposes:
   (A)   Securing adequate light, pure air and safety from fire and other dangers;
   (B)   Conserving the value of land, buildings and structures throughout the village;
   (C)   Lessening and avoiding congestion in the public streets;
   (D)   Lessening and avoiding hazards to persons and damage to property resulting from the accumulation or runoff of storm or flood waters;
   (E)   Promoting the public health, safety, comfort, morals and general welfare;
   (F)   Regulating and limiting the height and bulk of buildings and structures hereafter to be erected;
   (G)   Establishing, regulating and limiting the building or setback line or lines on or along any street, trafficway, drive, parkway or storm or flood water runoff channel or basin;
   (H)   Regulating and limiting the intensity of the use of lot areas, and regulating and determining the area of open space within and surrounding buildings and structures;
   (I)   Classifying, regulating and restricting the location of trades and industries and the location of buildings, structures and land designed for specified industrial, commercial, residential and other uses;
   (J)   Dividing the entire village into districts of such number, shape, area and such different classes according to the use of land, buildings and structures, intensity of the use of lot area, area of open spaces, and other classification as may be deemed best suited to carry out the purposes of this zoning code;
   (K)   Fixing regulations and standards to which buildings, structures or uses therein shall conform;
   (L)   Prohibiting uses, buildings or structures incompatible with the character of such districts; and
   (M)   Preventing additions to and alteration or remodeling of existing buildings, structures or uses in such a way as to avoid the restrictions and limitations lawfully imposed under this zoning code. (Ord. 2005-04, 5-16-2005)



1. 65 ILCS 5/11-13-1 et seq.