(A)   Time Of Meetings: The regular and special meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held at Village Hall, located at 101 North Main in the Village of Roanoke. Regular meetings shall be held on the first and third Monday of each month at seven o'clock (7:00) P.M., except when such date shall fall on a holiday, when such meeting shall be held on the Tuesday immediately following the first or third Monday of the month at seven o'clock (7:00) P.M.
   (B)   Special Meetings: The Village Board may prescribe, by ordinance, the time of the Board meetings, and the manner in which special Board meetings may be called. The President or any three (3) Trustees may call special meetings of the Village Board by leaving with the Village Clerk written notice of the date and hour of holding such special meeting, and for the purpose of which such special meeting is called. The Village Clerk shall immediately issue a written notice of such meeting to each member of the Board and further post and provide public notice of such meeting in a timely manner as required by Illinois law.
   (C)   Salaries: The amount paid to Trustees for their service will be one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month. This amount shall constitute the entire compensation for Trustees for any and all full Board meetings attended and for other duties of Trustees conducted on behalf of the Village.
In addition, the amount paid to Trustees shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) for every committee meeting attended. Multiple committee meetings held on any particular evening will be considered one meeting for the purpose of determining compensation.
These salaries shall be effective for Board members taking office after May 1, 2011.
   (D)   Claims Paid In Vacation:
      1.   General: During the time period between regular Village Board meetings, the appropriate Village officials can pay certain routine bills and invoices on behalf of the Village when these routine bills and invoices are provided to the Village for services or items received by the Village. Such routine bills and invoices that are paid in this manner shall be considered as "claims paid in vacation", such that the Village can continue regular business operations during the time period between regular Village Board meetings. Subject to approval by the Village President, the following listing of routine bills and invoices shall be considered matters that can be paid by the Village as a "claim paid in vacation":
         Employee health insurance plan premiums.
         Employee uniforms.
         Engineering services.
         Fuel charges for Village vehicles.
         Garbage collection services.
         Gas and electric utilities.
         Internet service.
         Legal services.
         Phone service.
         Policing and dispatch services.
         Regular building cleaning services.
         Regular chemicals and operating supplies for water and sewage treatment systems and facilities.
         Regular employee wages and salaries.
         Regular operating supplies for Ambulance Department.
         Regular operating supplies for Street Department.
         Regular periodic water testing and monitoring services.
         Security and alarm services.
      2.   Committee Approval: Between regular Village Board meetings, a committee Chairperson shall have the authority to approve an expenditure of up to one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) per expenditure, which shall include the payment of the bill or invoice for such expenditure, for matters under the direct authority of the committee Chairperson. The payment of any expenditure under this provision shall be included with the other "claims paid in vacation" for the next regular Village Board meeting.
      3.   Village Board Approval: All "claims paid in vacation" shall be presented to the Village Board and Village President for review and final approval at the next regular Village Board meeting and such "claims paid in vacation" shall be listed as a separate agenda item and action item at this next regular Village Board meeting.
   3.   Village Board Approval: All "claims paid in vacation" shall be presented to the Village Board and Village President for review and final approval at the next regular Village Board meeting and such "claims paid in vacation" shall be listed as a separate agenda item and action item at this next regular Village Board meeting.
   (E)   Electronic Participation at Village Board Meetings:
      1.   Subject to the provisions of this section, a Village Board member may electronically attend any open or closed meeting of the Village Board via telephone, video, internet connection, or other electronic technology which allows effective audio interaction with the Board member from a remote location. Except as otherwise provided in Part G of this section, a Board member may electronically attend a meeting of the Village Board only under the following conditions:
         (a)   The Board member must notify the Village Clerk (or designee) as soon as practicable before the meeting of the Board member's request to electronically attend the meeting so that necessary communications equipment can be made available.
         (b)   The Board member must assert one or more of the following reasons why the Board member is unable to physically attend the Village Board meeting and explain to the Village Clerk (or designee) the factual basis for that assertion:
            (1)   The Board member cannot attend due to the Board member's illness or disability; or
            (2)   The Board member cannot attend because of conflicting obligations to the Board member's employer or is engaged in business on behalf of the Village; or
            (3)   The Board member cannot attend because of a family or other emergency.
         (c)   Any Board member participating electronically and those members of the Village Board who are physically present at the site of the meeting must have the capability during the meeting to effectively and instantaneously engage in interactive communication with each other. During open meetings, members of the audience must have the capability to hear all audio interactions among all the members of the Village Board who are present either physically or electronically at the open Board meeting.
      2.   Upon receiving a request from a Village Trustee to electronically attend a Village Board meeting, the Village Clerk (or designee) shall promptly inform the Village President of that request prior to the Board meeting. Upon receiving a request from the Village President to electronically attend a Village Board meeting, the Village Clerk (or designee) shall promptly inform the most senior Village Trustee who will be attending the Board meeting.
      3.   A quorum of the Village Board must be physically present at the scheduled meeting location in order to take the necessary action to allow a Board member to electronically attend that Village Board meeting.
      4.   After taking roll call at the Board meeting at which the Board member requests to electronically attend and before any action is taken by the Village Board, the request to electronically attend a Village Board meeting shall be the first order of business to be considered by the Board members physically present at the Board meeting in accordance with the following procedures:
         (a)   After establishing that a quorum is physically present at the Board meeting at which the Board member desires to electronically attend and establishing that the communications equipment necessary to permit electronical participation is functioning properly, the Village President, or the presiding officer if the Village President is not present, shall state that:
            (1)   A Board member has requested permission to electronically attend the meeting, and
            (2)    The Board member will be authorized to electronically attend the meeting unless a motion objecting to the member's electronic attendance is made, seconded, and adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Village Board physically present at the meeting.
         (b)   If a motion objecting to the Board member's participation is made and approved by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Village Board physically present at the meeting, the member making the request may not electronically attend the meeting. If no such motion is made and seconded or if any such motion is made and seconded but not approved by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Village Board physically present at the meeting, then the request by the member to electronically attend the meeting shall be deemed approved by the Village Board, and the Village President or other presiding officer shall declare that the requesting member is present at the Board meeting. After such declaration by the Village President or presiding officer, the ability of the Board member to electronically participate in that Board meeting may not be withdrawn for the remainder of that meeting.
         (c)   As an alternative to the procedure under parts 1 and 2 of this subsection D of Section 2.08.140, a simple majority vote of the members of the Village Board physically present at the Village Board meeting to allow attendance by the non-physically present Board member will authorize the electronic attendance of this Board member at that Village Board meeting under the terms and conditions otherwise set forth herein.
      5.   The minutes of any meeting during which a Board member electronically attends shall identify any such member as attending by electronic means.
      6.   A Board member permitted to electronically attend a Village Board meeting shall have the authority to participate in the meeting to the same extent as those members physically present, subject to the same limitations applicable to those members physically present. A Board member attending electronically may leave a meeting and return to the same extent and under the same conditions as members who are physically present, provided the member attending electronically shall announce when leaving and returning to the meeting.
      7.   The Village Board may electronically hold any open or closed meeting via telephone, video, internet connection, or other electronic technology which allows for effective audio or video conferencing between the Board members from remote locations when the Governor or the Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health has issued a disaster declaration related to public health concerns that covers the Village of Roanoke and that limits attendance at public meetings, and all of the following additional conditions have been met:
         (a)   The Village President has issued a declaration that in-person public meetings are not practical or prudent because of the declared disaster;
         (b)   All members of the Village Board participating in the meeting can hear each other and can hear all discussion and testimony during the meeting;
         (c)   All members of the public can contemporaneously hear all discussion, discussion, testimony, and votes taken during the open portion of the meeting;
         (d)   At least one member of the Village Board or the Village Clerk or the Village Attorney is present at the regular meeting location unless not feasible because of the declared disaster;
         (e)   Notice is provided to the public that the meeting will be held by electronic means, including information on how the public can electronically attend the open portion of the meeting;
         (f)   All votes of the Village Board are taken by roll call vote;
         (g)   The Village has complied with all meeting notice requirements under the Open Meetings Act while also posting such meeting notices on the Village's website; and
         (h)   A verbatim record of all portions of the meeting is maintained by the Village in an audio or video recording. (Ord. 2017-09, 7-5-2017; amd. Ord. 2021-06, 9-7-2021)