(A)   The City Manager shall make or cause to be made an investigation of the applicant and application, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, the character and morals of the person or persons requesting such permit and the entertainers or orchestra who propose to perform at the public dance for which a permit is sought. The City Manager shall also require that the premises on which the public dance is proposed to be held or conducted be inspected by the Fire Chief for compliance with all local and state fire laws; the Building Inspector for compliance with State Building Code regulations; and the appropriate county health officials regarding the availability and condition of restroom facilities of the premises.
   (B)   The City Manager shall present the application with a report of his or her investigation to the City Council at the next meeting of the City Council prior to the date on which the public dance is proposed to be had, held or conducted. The report of the investigation of the City Manager may be written or oral in his or her discretion; provided, however, if the application for the permit is subsequently denied by the City Council, the report of the City Manager shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
(1997 Code, § 111.29)