(A)   Approved expenses include, but are not limited to:
      (1)   Rental of meeting places;
      (2)   Meals, including:
         (a)   Holiday meals for employees and retirees; and
         (b)   Retirement meals for employees.
      (3)   Decorations;
      (4)   Memorabilia;
      (5)   Commemorative objects;
      (6)   Awards;
      (7)   Promoting industrial, commercial and residential development and tourism;
      (8)   Developing relationships with and assisting other governmental units;
      (9)   Municipal sports programs;
      (10)   Membership dues and assessments;
      (11)   Conference registrations;
      (12)   Assistance in local, regional, state and national associations of a civic, educational or governmental nature which have as their purpose the betterment and improvement of municipal operations;
      (13)   Travel, parking, meals and/or lodging in conjunction with town business or meetings or organizations to which the town belongs; and/or
      (14)   Other expenses of a civic or governmental nature deemed by the Town Council to be in the interest of the town.
   (B)   The promotional expenditures as described above are hereby authorized for budgeting and appropriation from the Town General Fund, under specific named appropriations or under the promotional appropriation, and for payment by the town upon proper presentation to the Clerk-Treasurer and Council as for any other lawful claim.
(Ord. 9-2018, passed 8-14-2018)