(A)   While the President is stating the motion, or deciding a point of order, the members shall be seated and no member shall leave the Council room during the session without permission from the presiding officer.
   (B)   Every member, prior to his or her speaking, making a motion or seconding the same, shall address the presiding officer and shall not proceed with his or her remarks until recognized and named by the Chair.
   (C)   A member so recognized by the Chair shall confine himself or herself to the question under debate.
   (D)   No member shall speak more than once on the same question, except by permission of the Chair, and then not until every other member desiring to speak shall have had an opportunity to do so.
   (E)   No member shall speak longer than five minutes at any one time, except by consent of the Chair.
   (F)   While a member is speaking, no member shall hold any private discussion, nor pass between the speaker and the Chair.
   (G)   A member, when called to order by the Chair, shall thereupon discontinue speaking. The order or ruling of the Chair shall be binding and conclusive, subject only to the right to appeal.
   (H)   Any member may appeal to the Council from a ruling of the Chair and, if the appeal is seconded, the member making the appeal may briefly state his or her reason for the same, and the Chair may briefly explain his or her ruling; but there shall be no debate on the appeal and no other member shall participate in the discussion. The Chair shall then put the question, “Shall the decision of the Chair be overruled?” Otherwise, it shall be sustained.
   (I)   The right of a member to address the Council on a question of personal privilege shall be limited to cases in which his or her integrity, character or motives are assailed, questioned or impugned.
(Prior Code, § 31.044)