If such plat is approved by the Plan Commission, the Village Board shall accept or reject said plat within thirty (30) days after its next regular scheduled meeting following the action of the Plan Commission. Provided, however, preliminary approval shall not qualify a plat for recording. The preliminary plat, as submitted to the Board of Trustees, must have designated thereon the words "This is a Preliminary Plat, of no Legal Effect, and Not to be Recorded".
Acceptance of the preliminary plat shall become effective only after the "Approval of Preliminary Plat" certificates on the preliminary plan are signed and dated. The Village Clerk shall return to the subdivider one of the two (2) signed copies of the preliminary plat and the other copy shall be returned to the Plan Commission. The Village Clerk shall also submit to the subdivider a check list for the final plat, Form 4 (shown in Chapter 6 of this Title).