A.   Building Mounted Solar Energy Systems: Approval of building mounted solar energy systems shall be subject to the following provisions:
      1.   Maximum Height: Building mounted solar energy systems shall not extend higher than five feet (5') above the surface of the roof or above the peak of the roof, measured vertically.
      2.   Principal And Accessory Buildings: Building mounted solar energy systems may be installed on permitted principal and accessory buildings.
      3.   Orientation: Solar panels may be installed at the same angle as the slope of the roof or mounted at an angle that maximizes receipt of solar radiation, subject to the maximum height restriction.
      4.   Horizontal Projection: Solar panels shall not extend or overhang more than four feet (4') beyond the exterior perimeter of the building on which the system is mounted, as measured horizontally from the roof edge or facade on which the panel is mounted; provided, that panels shall not project horizontally beyond the perimeter of the building if the panels would then violate the required yards or increase the amount of a legal nonconformance.
   B.   Freestanding Solar Energy Systems: Approval of freestanding solar energy systems shall be subject to the following provisions:
      1.   Maximum Height: The total height of a freestanding solar energy system shall not exceed fifteen feet (15'), measured from the average grade at the base of the pole to the highest edge of the system.
      2.   Setback: Freestanding solar energy systems shall not be located in any required yards nor located over any public utility easement.
      3.   Coverage: The surface area of the photovoltaic panels in a freestanding solar energy system on any lot shall be limited to one hundred (100) square feet for each one-half (1/2) acre of land. The surface area of such panels shall count toward the maximum square footage for accessory buildings allowed on such lot. (Ord. 12-4-5, 4-3-2012)