In determining the applicability of this zoning ordinance, with respect to the previously applicable zoning regulations, the following rules shall apply:
   (A)   Existing Unlawful Uses And Structures: A structure or use not lawfully existing at the time of the adoption hereof is hereby deemed lawful as of the effective date hereof, provided it conforms with all of the requirements of this zoning ordinance. However, if such structure or use does not conform with all of the requirements of this zoning ordinance, such structure or use remains unlawful.
   (B)   Existing Permitted Uses: When a lot is used for a purpose that was classified as a permitted use prior to the effective date hereof and such use is classified as a special use by this zoning ordinance, such use is hereby deemed a lawful special use for the purpose of this zoning ordinance. Any addition, enlargement or expansion of such use shall conform to the requirements for special uses of this zoning ordinance.
   (C)   Principal Uses Rendered Nonconforming: When a lot is used for a purpose that was a lawful use before the effective date hereof and this zoning ordinance, or any amendment thereto, no longer classifies such use as either a permitted use or special use in the zoning district in which it is located, such use is hereby deemed a legal nonconforming use and shall be controlled by the provisions of chapter 10, "Nonconformities", of this zoning ordinance.
   (D)   Principal Buildings, Structures And Lots Rendered Nonconforming: Where any lawful building, structure or lot existing on the effective date hereof does not meet all standards set forth in this zoning ordinance, or any amendment thereto, such building, structure or lot is hereby deemed nonconforming and shall be controlled by the provisions of chapter 10, "Nonconformities", of this zoning ordinance.
   (E)   Accessory Uses, Structures And Buildings Rendered Nonconforming: When any lawful accessory building, structure or use existing on the effective date hereof does not meet all standards set forth in this zoning ordinance, or any amendment thereto, such building, structure or use is hereby deemed nonconforming and shall be controlled by the provisions of chapter 10, "Nonconformities", of this zoning ordinance.
   (F)   Previously Issued Building Permits: When a building permit for a building or structure has been lawfully issued prior to the effective date hereof, the building or structure may be completed in accordance with the plans on the basis of which the building permit was issued and may, upon completion, be occupied under a certificate of occupancy for the use originally intended.
   (G)   Previously Granted Special Uses And Variations: All special uses and variations granted prior to the effective date hereof shall remain in full force and effect. The recipient of the special use or variation may proceed to develop the property in accordance with the approved plans and any conditions attached thereto. However, if the recipient has failed to act on the special use or variation before approval expires, the provisions of this zoning ordinance shall govern.
   (H)   Pending Applications: Where an application for a special use or variation is pending on the effective date hereof, the provisions of this zoning ordinance shall govern such application. (Ord. 2550, 12-19-2005)