The existing curvilinear roadway design and roadway system within the village shall be retained, preserved and maintained in its present form, to the extent possible, to allow for safe travel and proper drainage. Roadway surfaces shall be of bituminous or other durable surface material of uniform application to village roadways, with concrete curbs and gutters. Road surfaces shall be depressed from the adjacent park or parkway areas so as to diminish the visual effect of the roadway and to accentuate an uninterrupted visual impact of the landscape. Combination cement concrete curbs and gutters eighteen inches (18") in width shall be constructed to afford proper drainage and protect against vehicular parking on parkway areas. Curbs shall blend in with the topography of the adjacent landscape and shall be as unobtrusive as possible. Modified or gently sloping curbs which continue the curvilinear angle of the adjacent landscape shall be preferred in order to maintain a roadway profile most compatible to a rural setting. In undertaking roadway improvements and the widths thereof, the board shall give consideration to the comprehensive street improvement study and report of November 4, 1966, prepared by the engineering firm of Baxter And Woodman, or any subsequent roadway improvement studies. (Ord. 1971, 12-2-1991; amd. Ord. 2550, 12-19-2005)