The board, pursuant to resolution adopted March 20, 1972, has accepted the national historic landmark designation of the Riverside landscape architectural district and shall preserve, so far as practicable, and to the best of its ability, the historical integrity of this landmark through continued use of the public property therein for purposes and in a manner consistent with its historical character, and through the application, control, conduct and carrying out of all preservation activities, programs and grants involving, affecting or otherwise pertaining to the public property in this district and in the village as a whole.
The district is legally described in the national register of historic places as an area bounded on the north by Twenty Sixth Street, on the east by Harlem Avenue, on the south by Ogden Avenue and the south bank of the Des Plaines River, and on the west by Forbes Road. The district boundaries, as outlined on a 1982 Riverside street map published by the Riverside Public Library, is set forth in section 11-1-5, appendix B of this chapter. (Ord. 1971, 12-2-1991; amd. Ord. 2550, 12-19-2005)