(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehicle or for the owner of any motor vehicle to permit the same to be operated on any public highway within the Village, unless said motor vehicle has a suitable muffler, in a proper and efficient working condition; and it shall also be unlawful for any person to operate or for the owner to permit any motor vehicle to be operated with the muffler cutout, or not in operation. (1965 Code §2.20)
   (B)   No device or control used to open, release or cutout mufflers, with which motor vehicles or motorcycles are equipped, shall be accessible to or within the control of any person riding therein or thereon, so that such muffler may be opened, released or cutout by any occupant of such motor vehicle, or any person upon such motorcycle while in motion. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or for any owner of a motor vehicle or motorcycle to permit to be operated on any public highway of the Village, any motor vehicle or motorcycle contrary to the provisions of this Chapter. (1965 Code, Sec. 29.21)