Unless otherwise provided in any special tax or special assessment ordinance providing for the construction of sidewalks, all public sidewalks which parallel the street, and carriage walks extending perpendicular from the street edge of the public sidewalk, shall be constructed of concrete with an exposed aggregate finish, approved by the village. In the B2 central business district, public sidewalks and carriage walks may also be constructed with brick or concrete pavers conforming to the requirements set forth in subsection (B) of this section or otherwise approved by the village. Sidewalks located on the dwelling side of the public sidewalk which parallels the street, whether on public or on private property, may be constructed of broom finished concrete, exposed aggregate finished concrete, brick or concrete pavers, or natural stone matching that on private property. All such construction shall conform to the specifications set forth in this section.
   (A)   Foundation; Subgrade: Concrete sidewalks shall be laid on a minimum of four inches (4") of well compacted granular fill over a firmly compacted earth subgrade free from organic matter or stones more than two inches (2") in any dimension prepared by excavating and grading to the required depth, which after being thoroughly tamped shall be smooth, even and firm. Paver or natural stone sidewalk shall be laid over a well compacted granular fill or over concrete slab laid over a well compacted granular fill over a firmly compacted earth subgrade free from organic material.
   (B)   Materials:
      1.   Cement: Cement shall be a 6.1 bag mix, conforming to the American Society For Testing And Materials (hereinafter referred to as "ASTM") standard designation C-150, type I or type III.
      2.   Air Entrainment: Air entrainment shall be between 4.5 - 7.5%, conforming to ASTM C-260.
      3.   Aggregate: Aggregate shall be comprised of fine aggregate, size FM20 and course aggregate size CM16 - Pea Gravel; conforming to ASTM C-33. A concrete mix design utilizing these aggregates shall be submitted to the Village for approval prior to construction.
      4.   Welded Wire Fabric Reinforcing: Any welded wire fabric used for reinforcing shall conform to ASTM A-185.
      5.   Brick And Concrete Units: Brick pavers shall conform to ASTM C-902, class SW. Concrete pavers shall conform to ASTM C-936. Only those units specifically manufactured for sidewalk paving application may be used and the manufacturer's specifications shall be provided. Paver units shall have a minimum thickness of one and one-fourth inches (11/4").
      6.   Stone Paving: Durable natural stone shall be used, having a minimum thickness of one and one-fourth inches (11/4").
      7.   Clean Materials: All materials, when delivered on the job, shall be deposited on a clean surface and shall be kept clean until used. Water shall be clean and free from harmful materials.
   (C)   Concrete Proportions; Quality; Mixing:
      1.   Concrete shall consist of a minimum three thousand five hundred (3,500) psi, air entrained portland cement ready mixed concrete conforming to ASTM C-90, utilizing specified materials. Pea gravel coarse aggregate shall be provided in concrete to be used in sidewalks on public land, including carriage walks.
      2.   When ready mixed concrete is used, the cement shall be air entrained, the fine and coarse aggregate shall be of the size and quality herein specified; not less than six (6) sacks of cement shall be used in each cubic yard of mix nor more than six (6) gallons of total water content per sack of cement and the slump shall be not more than five inches (5"). No water shall be added to the mix at the point of delivery and placing.
   (D)   Construction Provisions:
      1.   Concrete Placement And Finish:
         (a)   The concrete shall be placed in a layer or course in required thickness for the full width of the walk immediately after mixing. It shall be tamped and struck off with a template and shall be floated with a trowel until the surface has a true contour of the exact grade of the walk. Contractor shall utilize a top-surface retarder, top-cast product grade 75 blue, or village-approved equal, immediately after rough finishing the concrete. The retarded cement matrix can be removed as early as four (4) hours and up to sixteen (16) hours, depending on conditions. The contractor shall remove the top surface of the concrete to an exposure depth of 1/8" - 3/8". Not less than fifteen (15) days after the pour, the sidewalk shall be sealed with Increte Systems Crystal Clear VOC Concrete Sealer or a village-approved equal. This product shall be a 100% pure acrylic low VOC concrete sealer.
         (b)   The walk shall be cut into separate rectangular blocks not more than five feet (5') in length, the surface edges of each being rounded to a one-fourth inch (1/4") radius.
         (c)   Bituminous expansion joints, three-fourths inch (3/4") in width, shall be constructed across the walk and through the full depth of the concrete at intervals of fifty feet (50'), and similar joints one-half inch (1/2") in width shall be made at all points where the new walk abuts on existing concrete walks, driveways, curbs and other structures.
         (d)   No walk shall be laid when air temperature is below forty degrees Fahrenheit (40°F) unless all concrete placed in forms shall have a temperature between seventy degrees (70°) and eighty degrees Fahrenheit (80°F) and adequate means shall be provided for maintaining said temperature for three (3) days or for two (2) days if high early strength concrete is used. The walk shall be protected from damage by suitable covering and barricades as directed by the village manager.
      2.   Paver Or Stone Paving Unit Placement:
         (a)   The paver or stone paving units shall be placed on a compacted aggregate base course consisting of a minimum of eight inches (8") of crushed limestone or gravel, or such base course consisting of a four inch (4") thick concrete slab over a minimum of four inches (4") of crushed limestone or gravel with, in the first instance, the addition of a minimum one-half inch (1/2") sand leveling course. The paving units shall be mechanically tamped to finish grade and the joints sand swept. All sidewalk edges shall be restrained.
         (b)   If the paver or stone paving unit is less than two inches (2") in thickness, it shall be set over a minimum four inch (4") thick concrete slab, minimum three thousand five hundred (3,500) psi air entraining portland cement ready mixed concrete conforming to ASTM C-90 over a minimum four inch (4") well compacted granular fill over a firmly compacted earth subgrade free from organic material.
   Units shall be set in exact accordance with recommendations of the paving unit manufacturer or stone supplier and shall be set level in full contact with a setting bed of compacted portland cement mortar modified with latex additive formulated for exterior use used in exact accordance with the manufacturer's or supplier's instructions over a slush coat. Joints shall be grouted with a latex portland cement grout.
         (c)   If the paver or stone paving unit is two inches (2") or thicker, such units shall be set tightly together in interlocking or herringbone pattern over clean, fine concrete aggregate sand or stone chips, over a firmly compacted, clean aggregate stone or gravel base set on firm subgrade free of organic matter, all in exact accordance with the paver unit manufacturer's or stone supplier's recommendations. Edge restraint of steel or concrete shall be provided. Fine sand or stone chips shall be swept over the surface to fill joints. (Ord. 2860, 11-6-2014; amd. Ord. 4067, 8-17-2023)