For the purpose of constructing and applying this chapter, the following words shall have the meanings herein ascribed to them:
BULK ITEMS: Any discarded item which is not able to be adequately reduced to fit in a village approved rubbish container, including furniture, fixtures, and small amounts of construction or demolition debris, but not including white goods.
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Shall mean and refer to any property containing a school, church or business located within the village.
COMPANY: A waste collection contractor licensed by the village to remove construction debris.
CONTRACTOR: Shall mean and refer to the waste collection contractor with whom the village has contracted for exclusive waste collection services.
GARBAGE: All rejected or waste household food, offal, swill and carrion.
HAZARDOUS WASTE: Shall mean and refer to a waste or combination of wastes which, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics, may cause, or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious, irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness; or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed or which has been identified, by characteristics or listing, as being hazardous or having such impacts pursuant to section 3001 of the resource conservation and recovery act of 1976 (PL 94-580), pursuant to pollution control board, federal regulations or other applicable laws, ordinances or regulations.
LANDSCAPE WASTE: All accumulations of grass, or shrubbery cuttings, leaves, tree limbs and other materials accumulated as the result of the care of lawns, shrubbery, vines and trees.
MULTI-FAMILY PROPERTY: Shall mean and refer to only multi- family residential structures including three (3) or more residential dwelling units and which are located within the corporate limits of the village.
RECYCLABLE MATERIAL: Shall mean and refer to those materials which are to be collected for recycling or reuse and which are generated by residential units, multi-family properties and commercial properties, including newsprint, mixed paper, wet strength cardboard, corrugated cardboard and chipboard, glass, plastics, aluminum, all types of metal food and beverage cans, empty paint cans, and empty aerosol cans.
RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY: Shall mean and refer to only single- family residential structures and any multiple-family structure of up to, and including, two (2) residential units and which is located within the corporate limits of the village.
RESIDENTIAL UNIT: Shall mean and refer to only single-family residential dwelling units and any residential dwelling unit located in a multiple-family structure of up to and including two (2) residential units and which is located within the corporate limits of the village.
RUBBISH: Shall mean and refer to nonhazardous waste, including garbage, trash, and other similar waste generated by residential units, multi-family properties or commercial properties. Rubbish shall not include hazardous waste, recyclable materials, bulk items, white goods and landscape waste.
VILLAGE: Shall mean and refer to the village of Riverside, an Illinois municipal corporation.
WHITE GOODS: Shall include all ranges, refrigerators, water heaters, freezers, air conditioners, humidifiers, other similar domestic and commercial large appliances and other items required by law to be treated or processed prior to disposal which are discarded by a residential unit, multi- family unit or a multi-family property. (Ord. 2393, 1-21-2002)