(A)   It is determined and declared by the president and board of trustees of this village to be a public nuisance and a menace to the public health, safety and welfare for any person, firm, association or corporation to establish, operate, maintain and conduct a massage parlor within the village, or for any person, firm, association or corporation owning or having an interest (either wholly or partially) in any real estate in this village, or managing the same, to allow, lease or otherwise permit such premises, or any part thereof to be used for the operation, maintenance and conduct of a massage parlor.
   (B)   For the purposes of this section the term "massage parlor" shall be defined as any establishment, whether open to the public generally or conducted as a private or semiprivate club, wherein members of one sex touch, rub, stroke, knead, pound, fondle, manipulate or otherwise vibrate or stimulate with the hands or with the aid of any mechanical or electric device a portion of the body of a member of the same or opposite sex, including in particular, the application of such acts of touching, rubbing, fondling or manipulation to the genital, anal and pubic areas of any person and to the breast area in the case of a female for the purpose of sexual arousal and/or sexual gratification, and wherein either or both participants are nude or have such genital or female breast areas exposed. Body touching, rubbing or other massage activities conducted in a duly licensed medical clinic or in the offices of a licensed physician, chiropractor, osteopath or physical therapist or in the home of a patient under the immediate direction, treatment and supervision of a licensed physician, chiropractor, osteopath or physical therapist are not included within the definition herein of a massage parlor. (Ord. 1279, 2-16-1976)