(A)   Persons who perform any of the following acts shall be deemed guilty of disorderly conduct and shall be punished accordingly:
All persons who shall make, aid countenance or assist in making any improper noise, riot, disturbance, breach of the peace or diversion tending to a breach of the peace within the limits of the Village; all persons who shall assemble, congregate or collect in bodies, crowds or gangs of three (3) or more for unlawful purposes, or for any purpose to the annoyance or disturbance of others, within the limits of the Village; and all persons in a body of three (3) or more, congregating, loitering, lingering, standing together or near each other on any sidewalk, street, alley or public passageway so as to obstruct, block or impede free passage or to interfere with any business fronting upon any public sidewalk or passageway who fail to disperse and move immediately after a request to do so made by any police officer or other public official; all persons who shall make or engage in abusive or indecent language or gestures, cursing, swearing or other improper, loud and boisterous noise or shouting; and all persons who make or engage in noisy, rude, insulting and indecent words or conduct toward another; all persons who shall make use of, or aid and assist in the use of any public street, sidewalk, alley, park, public place or any other open space or area within the limits of the Village for purposes of fornication, urinating, indecent exposure or other unlawful acts and conduct contrary to public decency and morals; all persons who are idle or dissolute and go about begging; all persons who use or exercise any juggling or other unlawful games or plays; all persons who are found in houses of ill-fame or gaming houses; all persons lodging in or found at any time in outhouses, sheds, barns, stables or unoccupied buildings, or lodging in the open air and not giving a good account of themselves; all persons who shall wilfully assault another in the village, or be engaged in or aid or abet in any fight, quarrel or other disturbance in the village; all persons who stand, loiter or stroll about in any place in the village waiting or seeking to obtain money or other valuable things from others by trick or fraud or to aid or assist therein; all persons who shall engage in any fraudulent scheme, device or trick to obtain money or other valuable thing in any place in the village, or who shall aid or abet or in any manner be concerned therein; all persons found loitering about any hotel or public building or wandering about the streets by day or night without any lawful means of support or without being able to give a satisfactory account of themselves; all persons who shall have or carry any pistol, knife, dirk, knuckles, slingshot or other dangerous weapon concealed on or about their persons; or persons who shall be found in a state of intoxication on any street or public place in the village, or in any private house or place to the annoyance of any citizen or person, shall be deemed guilty of disorderly conduct. (1965 Code §20.01)