The fire chief shall also make or cause to be made regular inspections with sufficient frequency to secure efficient supervision of all buildings and places used for manufacturing or commercial purposes, or occupied or frequented by large numbers of people, and of all school buildings, public halls, churches, institutional buildings, theaters, multiple dwellings, and all places of amusement, recreation or employment in order: a) to determine the safety of the occupants of such buildings, structures, or places in the event of fire, panic or accident; b) to examine the working order and state of repair of all doors, fire escapes and firefighting appliances, the condition and freedom from obstruction of exits, corridors, stairways, fire escapes and their approaches, the disposition, arrangement and protection of stock, combustible material and rubbish, heating devices and ovens, inflammable liquids and explosives, and the protection of hazardous machinery, appliances and apparatus; and c) to ascertain whether the fire regulations of this title are being efficiently carried out. (Ord. 2703, 3-16-2009)