(A)   No person shall erect or maintain any of the following signs within the Village:
      1.   Projecting signs (except as provided in sections 4-3-7, 4-3-13 and 4-3-14 of this chapter).
      2.   Roof signs.
      3.   Box and cabinet signs.
      4.   Signs advertising the sale of alcoholic beverages, except in the following instances:
         (a)   Holders of a Class A license for the retail sale of beer and wine in original containers may advertise the sale of such products, provided that only two (2) outside signs shall be allowed, each of which shall not exceed six (6) square feet. Additional indoor signs advertising such products may be affixed to the window area of the licensed premises in accordance with the sign area limitations of this chapter; and
         (b)   Holders of a Class C or E license are allowed one (1) outside sandwich board sign in accordance with the limitations of this chapter; and
         (c)   Holders of a Class C or E license with outdoor dining areas may utilize umbrellas with the logos or names of companies.
      5.   Off-premises signs, except as provided in Section 4-3-13(C) of this chapter.
      6.   Flashing, blinking, running or delayed action illuminated signs, excluding time and temperature signage. Reader board signs with electronically displayed messages that do not flash, blink, undulate, revolve, flutter or have delayed action shall only be allowed in conformance with the standards set forth in section 4-3-15 of this chapter.
      7.   Except as provided in Section 4-3-18 of this chapter, signs which move or give the appearance of movement. This category includes pennants, banners (except those specifically exempted by this chapter), streamers, and all other signs that flutter, undulate, swing, rotate, oscillate or otherwise move by natural or artificial means.
      8.   Any portable, wheel mounted or other type of movable or unattached sign intended to be moved from one location to another, other than sandwich board signs as provided in section 4-3-13 of this chapter and feather signs provided in Section 4-3-18 of this chapter.
      9.   Any sign, streamer, banner, flag, pennant or other advertising device supported by ropes or wires or in any other manner, located on, over or across any public street, alley, parkway or park (except as provided in section 4-3-10 of this chapter).
      10.   Signs which imitate traffic signs. Signs which use the words “stop”, “look”, “danger”, “go slow”, “caution”, or “warning” shall be deemed to be within this category, except where such words are part of the name of the business. This category does not include signs accessory to parking areas.
      11.   Signs placed on parked vehicles or trailers where the apparent purpose is to advertise a product or to direct people to a business or activity located on the same or nearby property.
      12.   Motor vehicles whose sole apparent purpose is to advertise a business. Motor vehicles engaged in the transportation of goods or passengers are exempt from this restriction.
      13.   Signs which contain matter which is untruthful or misleading.
      14.   Backlit canopies or awnings.
      15.   Pole signs.
   (B)   No person shall erect bunting, banners or streamers attached to wires or to supporting devices or temporary supports, except as a temporary sign.
(Ord. 2874, 4-16-2015; Ord. 2998, 8-16-2018; Ord. 4048, 2-16-2023; Ord. 4094, 4-18-2024)