(A) It shall be unlawful for any person in this village to engage in any trade or business, or engage in any activity, or do anything, for any period of time at any time, for which a license or permit is required by this code, without procuring the required license or permit. Persons operating under an existing license or permit shall be considered to be in violation of this section upon a failure to submit a required fee, application or other materials required by the village for renewal within thirty (30) days after expiration of the existing license or permit.
(B) A license shall be required for each separate business or commercial activity for which a license is required if more than one such activity is conducted within any one establishment or on any one premises. The test to determine whether one or more than one business, activity or occupation is being conducted within the village shall depend on the formalities of ownership of the business, activity, or occupation. When a licensable activity is operated at more than one location, a separate license shall be required for each location, irrespective of ownership considerations. If all buildings containing the principal or accessory uses are connected or are located on the same lot or parcel, and are operated and managed by the same person or owner, and are an establishment with the same zoning code use classification, then the business, activity, or occupation shall require only one license. (Ord. 2895, 1-21-2016)