(A)   Mutual Police Aid Agreements Authorized: The Chief of Police of this Village, with the approval of the President and Board of Trustees, is authorized, on behalf of the Village, to enter into (and from time to time to alter and amend) an agreement with any or all of the municipalities in a mutual aid area consisting of the Villages of Hinsdale, Western Springs, Indian Head Park, Countryside, Hodgkins, La Grange, La Grange Park, Brookfield, Riverside, North Riverside and Lyons, defining and putting into effect a mutual Police Assistance Program providing in general for participating municipalities to agree to come to one another's assistance in case of civil demonstrations, major criminal investigations, disasters or occurrences (both natural and manmade) which may result in situations beyond the ability of the individual municipality to deal effectively therewith in terms of manpower and equipment in order to preserve or restore the public health, safety and welfare at a given time. (Ord. 1491, 2-15-1982; amd. Ord. 2046, 4-19-1993)
   (B)   General Provisions: Such mutual police aid agreement with any or all of the municipalities located within the above designated mutual police aid area, shall contain the following general provisions: (Ord. 1394, 5-21-1979)
      1.   In the event that in the judgment of the officer in charge of the Police Department of a municipality requesting aid (stricken municipality) that available police personnel and equipment of that municipality is inadequate to effectively cope with a civil demonstration, riot, disturbance, mob action, major criminal investigation or other disaster or occurrence, whether natural or manmade, said officer may call upon a neighboring participating municipality to furnish personnel and equipment (to the extent specified in the agreement) to such requesting municipality for use as deemed appropriate. (Ord. 1491, 2-15-1982)
      2.   Each responding (aiding) municipality receiving a request for mutual police assistance shall promptly dispatch such personnel and equipment as is available, under the circumstances, to the requesting municipality. Personnel responding to a mutual aid request, shall be provided with specific instructions as to the location and commanding officer at the marshaling area and shall respond as quickly as possible and as quietly as possible to such area.
      3.   Police personnel furnishing assistance under such mutual police aid agreement shall have all the powers of police officers of any requesting municipality and shall be subject to the direction of the Chief of Police or other official in command of the requesting municipality.
      4.   The Chief of Police or other officer in command of the Police Department of the responding municipality shall, upon receipt of a mutual police aid request, determine to what extent personnel and equipment can be furnished to the requesting municipality without endangering the public health, welfare and safety of the responding municipality through inadequate police protection. If, in his judgment, local police protection requirements at the time of the receipt of a mutual aid request prevent the responding community from furnishing personnel and equipment, the Chief of Police or other officer in command shall immediately notify the requesting community of such inability to comply and shall thereafter exert every effort to comply with the request at the earliest possible opportunity. (Ord. 1394, 5-21-1979)
      5.   The municipality responding to a request for mutual police assistance shall be liable for or obligated to indemnify its Police Department for any equipment and supplies used and expended or damaged or destroyed and for any damage to property or personal injury or death suffered to any individual policeman as a result of and occasioned by responding to such mutual police aid request. The responding municipality shall also assume the liability and indemnification obligations provided in 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1-4-6, regarding the actions of policemen of the responding municipality performed in response to the mutual aid request of the requesting municipality. (Ord. 1491, 2-15-1982; amd. Ord. 2046, 4-19-1993)
      6.   Nothing contained in such mutual police aid agreement shall affect the pension and disability rights of any policeman or the obligations of the employing municipality-participant in such mutual police aid agreement respecting the pension and disability rights of its own policemen.
   (C)   Obligation Of Village: The Village shall furnish police personnel and equipment for use outside its boundaries as provided in a mutual police aid agreement referred to herein to any municipality participating in such mutual police aid agreement and assuming the obligations imposed upon it thereby. (Ord. 1394, 5-21-1979)