2-14-4: DUTIES:
The commission shall have the following duties:
   (A)   To read, study, research and become familiar with the Riverside landscape planting concepts and principles of Frederick Law Olmsted and the landscape architectural firm of Olmsted, Vaux And Company, and their relationship to the general plan of Riverside.
   (B)   To prepare and recommend to the village board a master landscape and planting plan ("MLP") with respect to plantings on the public lands of the village with the exception of the business districts. Said plan shall contain an overall planting scheme for all park, parkway and other public planting areas, showing each area's relative context and interrelationship to all other areas which comprise the MLP, defining the soil and moisture characteristics of each area, the suggested planting for each area, and the use and planting arrangement of all such areas; all in accordance with the landscape planting theories, concepts and principles of Frederick Law Olmsted.
   (C)   To promote stewardship of public lands in cooperation with the public works department and to prepare or organize efforts such as volunteer groups, lectures, media blasts, children's school or other public relations activities for the purpose of educating and inspiring the community regarding the landscape plan and plantings in Riverside, current disease or climate concerns related to such planting plan and for the purpose of procuring cooperation of the residents of the village in the elimination of disease and parasites affecting trees, shrubs and plantings on private property, and to further the preservation and replacement thereof, if necessary.
   (D)   To cooperate with organizations working to preserve or improve the public landscape of Riverside as described in the MLP.
   (E)   To offer advisory comments on hardscape pursuant to title 8, chapter 13 of this code.
   (F)   To collaborate upon request with the parks and recreation board on changes or improvements to recreational parks as related to the MLP.
   (G)   To prepare from time to time a list of recommended parkway and private property tree and shrub plantings, including the share the cost parkway tree planting program provided in title 8, chapter 5 of this code, which lists shall be approved by the village board.
   (H)   To undertake such further studies and projects regarding plantings within the village as may be referred to it, from time to time, by the village board. (Ord. 2846, 1-16-2014)