(A)   When determined by the Mayor or a representative of the Mayor that § 93.41 is being violated, the Mayor or the Mayor’s representative will notify the owner and any other person responsible for the property that they are in violation of this subchapter and that they must cut or destroy the noxious weeds within 5 days of the receipt of notice or remove the litter within 15 days of the receipt of notice.
   (B)   Notice shall be sent by certified U.S. mail, return receipt requested. If the certified mail envelope containing the notice, is returned with an endorsement showing that the envelope was unclaimed or refused, the Mayor or Mayor's representative shall send by ordinary mail a copy of the notice to the last known address of the owner or any other person responsible for the property. If the notice is sent by ordinary mail, a record shall be kept showing the date of such mailing and service of notice shall be deemed complete on that date, provided that the ordinary mail envelope is not returned by the postal authorities with an endorsement showing failure to deliver. If the ordinary mail envelope containing the notice, is returned by the postal authorities or if the address of the owner or other responsible person is unknown, the Mayor or Mayor's representative will cause the notice to be posted in the five most public places in the village and will cause the notice to be posted in a prominent place on the land which is in violation of this subchapter. When the aforementioned copies of the notice have been continuously posted for 15 days, service of notice shall be deemed complete.
   (C)   Alternatively, the Mayor or Mayor's representative may give notice to the owner or person responsible for the property in accordance with this division (C). The Mayor or the Mayor’s representative may cause any of the Mayor, the Village Marshall, the Village Clerk-Treasurer, or any other person designated by the Mayor or by Village Council, such person being not less than 18 years of age, to deliver such written notice. The person (whether the Mayor, the Marshall, the Clerk-Treasurer, or any person so designated) shall either locate the person to be served and shall tender a copy of the notice to the person to be served, or shall leave the notice at the property with some person of suitable age and discretion then residing or found therein. When the notice has been so served, the person serving notice shall endorse that fact on a copy thereof and return it to the Clerk-Treasurer. Cost of such service shall be included in the costs charged to the owner of such property in accordance with § 93.44.
(Ord. 435, passed 6-21-1978; Am. Ord. 799, passed 12-17-2001)