§ 151.040 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. As used in § 151.044, shall mean all structures greater than 10 feet in width or 10 feet in length either attached or unattached to the ground, and up to 100 square feet in size, or larger as approved by the Planning Commission, with setbacks as defined in § 151.022, or as approved by the Planning Commission. Such definition shall include but not be limited to garages, houses and sheds.
   FENCE and WALL. Any structure composed of wood, metal, stone, brick or other material erected in such a manner and position as to enclose, partially enclose or divide any premises or any part of any premises. Trestles or other structures supporting or for the purpose of supporting vines, flowers or other vegetation when erected in such a position as to enclose, partially enclose or divide any premises or part of any premises shall also be considered as fences.
   FRONT YARD or SIDE YARD. Refers to the area between 10 feet from the front or side wall of the dwelling house on any lot and the “street line” as defined below in this section.
   HEDGES AND SHRUBS. Shall not be considered fences but are regulated in § 151.044.
   SOLID FENCES AND WALLS. Those fences and walls which have less than 40% free or open area. Gates and gate openings shall not be counted as free or open areas when determining whether a fence is solid.
   STREET LINE. The boundary line between a lot and the area dedicated for highway purposes along the front or side of such lot.
(Ord. 472, passed 6-16-1980; Am. Ord. 03-2014, passed 8-18-2014)