As used in this title, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
ACCESS STRIP: A strip of land which is part of a lot and provides access to the part thereof used or to be used for buildings or structures.
ADULT DAYCARE CENTER: A nonmedical facility for the daytime care of adults who, due to advanced age, handicap or impairment, require assistance and/or supervision during the day by staff.
AGRICULTURE: The tilling of the soil, the raising of crops, horticulture and gardening, but not including keeping or raising of domestic animals and fowl, except household pets, and not including any agricultural industry or business, such as fruit packing plants, fur farms, animal hospitals or similar uses.
AIRPORT: The Ogden municipal airport and/or Hill air force base.
AIRPORT APPROACH AREA: The specified area at each end of the airport landing area required for the safe flight of aircraft in landing, taking off or maneuvering at or in the vicinity of the airport.
AIRPORT ELEVATION: The elevation in feet above mean sea level of the highest point of the landing area of an airport.
AIRPORT HAZARD: Any structure or natural growth or use of land which obstructs or restricts the air space required for the safe flight of aircraft in landing, taking off or maneuvering at or in the vicinity of the airport.
AIRPORT INSTRUMENT LANDING AREA: A landing area equipped with precision electronic air navigation aids adequate to permit the landing of aircraft by an instrument approach under restricted visibility conditions.
AIRPORT LANDING AREA: The runway, or the specially prepared surface within the boundaries of an airport designed for aircraft landing and taking off operations.
AIRPORT NONINSTRUMENT LANDING AREA: Any landing areas other than an instrument landing area.
AIRPORT REFERENCE POINT: The point established as the approximate geographic center of the airport landing areas and so designated.
AIRPORT RUNWAY: The paved surface of an airport landing area.
AIRPORT TRANSITION AREA: An area extending outward from the outside edge of the airport turning area.
AIRPORT TURNING AREA: The area within a specified horizontal distance of the airport reference point necessary for the safe flight and maneuvering of aircraft.
ALLEY: A public thoroughfare less than twenty six feet (26') wide.
AMBULANCE: A privately owned vehicle that is especially designed, constructed or modified and equipped and is intended to be used for and is maintained or operated for transportation of individuals who are sick, injured, wounded or otherwise incapacitated or helpless.
AMBULANCE BASE STATION: A lot or portion thereof used as a station for one or more ambulances where any one or more of the following activities are conducted:
   A.   Cleaning, maintenance or repair of ambulances.
   B.   Storage of cleaning, maintenance or repair equipment or supplies.
   C.   Storage of fuels or lubricants.
   D.   Storage of medical equipment or supplies except within an ambulance located on the premises.
   E.   Maintenance of eating, washroom or sleeping facilities for more than three (3) persons.
   F.   Parking of more than one ambulance on the premises for a period of time in excess of one hour.
AMBULANCE SUBSTATION: A lot or portion thereof where one ambulance and its crew of not to exceed three (3) persons is on the premises for a period of time in excess of one hour.
ANIMAL HOSPITAL: Structure or building used to provide medical attention for animals; may include temporary boarding of animals.
ANIMAL SHELTER: Building or structure designed to accommodate the boarding and care of lost and stray animals, and to conduct humane treatment thereof.
ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTION: Any projection which is not intended for occupancy and which extends beyond the face of an exterior wall of a building, but shall not include signs.
ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY: A facility licensed by the state of Utah that provides a combination of housing and personalized healthcare designed to respond to the needs of individuals who require help with the activities of daily living, such as meal preparation, personal grooming, housekeeping, medication, etc. Care is provided in a professionally managed group living environment in a way that promotes maximum independence and dignity for each resident.
BASEMENT: A story partly underground and having at least one-half (1/2) its height above the average level of the adjoining ground. A basement shall be counted as a story, for purposes of height measurement.
BLANKETING: The term blanketing or blanket, when applied to signs or sign structure, shall mean the partial or complete shutting off of the face of one sign by another sign.
BOARDING HOUSE: A building with not more than five (5) guestrooms where, for compensation, meals are provided for at least five (5) but not more than fifteen (15) persons.
BUILDING: Any structure other than a boundary wall or fence.
BUILDING, ACCESSORY: A subordinate building or a portion of the main building on a lot, the use of which is customarily incidental to that of the main or principal building.
BUILDING, DETACHED: A building surrounded by open space on the same lot.
BUILDING FACADE: That portion of an exterior elevation of a building extended from grade to the top of the parapet wall or eaves and the entire width of the building elevation.
BUILDING FACADE FACING: A resurfacing of an existing facade with approved material illuminated or nonilluminated.
BUILDING, HEIGHT OF: The vertical distance from the grade elevation to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof, or to the deck line of a mansard roof, or to a point midway between the lowest part of the eaves or cornice, and ridge of a pitch or hip roof.
BUILDING, MAIN: A building in which is conducted the principal use of the lot on which it is located.
BUILDING OFFICIAL: Building official is the official or other person charged with the administration and enforcement of this title or his duly authorized deputy.
BUILDING, PUBLIC: A building owned and operated, or owned and intended to be operated by a public agency of the United States of America, of the state of Utah, or any of its political subdivisions.
CAR WASH, LAUNDRY-TYPE: A structure or portion thereof containing facilities for washing passenger automobiles, using production-line methods such as, but not limited to, chain conveyor, movable or revolving cleaning brushes, blower, steam cleaning, or similar mechanical devices.
CAR WASH, MANUAL SPRAY: A structure or portion thereof containing facilities for washing passenger automobiles, limited to using only hand-operated manual spray cleaning equipment and techniques.
CELLAR: A story having more than one-half (1/2) its height below the average level of the adjoining ground. A cellar shall not be counted as a story for the purpose of height measurement.
CHANGEABLE COPY PANEL: A panel which is characterized by changeable copy, regardless of method of attachment.
CLUSTER SUBDIVISION: A subdivision of land in which the areas and widths of residential lots are reduced below the minimum lot areas and lot width requirements of the zone in which the subdivision is located and where equivalent common open space areas are provided to compensate for such lot reduction.
COMMON OPEN SPACE: The land area in a planned residential unit development (PRUD) reserved and set aside for recreational uses, landscaping, open green areas, parking and driveway areas for the common use and enjoyment of the residents of the PRUD.
COMMON OPEN SPACE EASEMENT: A required right of use granted to the city of Riverdale by the owner of a planned residential unit development, on and over land in a planned residential unit development designated as common open space, which easement guarantees to the city of Riverdale that the designated common open space and recreation land is permanently reserved for access, parking and recreation, and open green space, purposes in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the planning commission and city council at the time of approval of the PRUD or as such plans are amended from time to time.
CONDOMINIUM PROJECT: A real estate condominium project where ownership of a single unit in a multi-unit project, together with an undivided interest in common in the common areas and facilities of the property, is transferred; a plan or project whereby four (4) or more apartments or commercial or industrial buildings or structures are separately offered or proposed to be offered for sale and meeting all requirements of the Condominium Ownership Act of the state of Utah. Structures shall conform with all area, yard, frontage and height regulations of the zone district in which they are located.
CORRAL: A space, other than a building, less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet in area, and less than one hundred feet (100') in width, used for the confinement of animals.
COURT: An unoccupied open space, other than yard, on the same lot with a building or buildings, which is bounded on two (2) or more sides by the walls of such building or buildings.
COVERAGE, LOT: The percent of the lot area covered by the main and accessory buildings.
DAIRY: A commercial establishment for the manufacture, processing or sale of dairy products.
DAYCARE/PRESCHOOL CENTER: A. Any building or structure, other than an occupied residence, wherein care, supervision and guidance for three (3) or more children unaccompanied by parent or guardian is furnished for periods less than twenty four (24) hours per day, or, an occupied residence wherein care, supervision and guidance for six (6) or more children unaccompanied by parent or guardian is furnished for periods of less than twenty four (24) hours per day.
   B.   "Occupied residence" shall refer to a building or structure being used as a residence by a family. The term "daycare/preschool center" is inclusive of kindergartens, preschools, nursery schools and all other similar facilities specializing in the education and/or care of children prior to their entrance into the first grade, other than facilities owned and/or operated by the public school system.
DRY CLEANER: An establishment which has as its sole purpose the cleansing of fabrics with substantially nonaqueous organic solvents. Laundry establishments with self-service, coin operated dry cleaning machines shall not be classified as a dry cleaner.
DWELLING: A building or portion thereof designed or used as the living quarters for one or more families.
DWELLING (DUPLEX TYPE), ALTERNATE SIDE LOT LINE: The placement of adjacent houses on alternate or common side lot lines, with space between each pair of houses.
DWELLING, GROUP: Two (2) or more dwellings placed upon a single lot.
DWELLING, MULTIPLE-FAMILY: A building arranged or designed to be occupied by three (3) or more families.
DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY: A building arranged or designed to be occupied by one family, the structure having only one dwelling unit.
DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY ROW HOUSE: A building built directly against an adjoining building without an open space between, and containing a one-family dwelling unit extending from basement to roof. Each such single-family attached dwelling unit shall have a front and rear entrance. Each group of single-family attached dwellings shall be considered one structure, for purposes of front, rear and side yard requirements.
DWELLING, TWO-FAMILY: A building arranged or designated to be occupied by two (2) families, the structure having only two (2) dwelling units.
DWELLING UNIT: One or more rooms in a dwelling, apartment, hotel or apartment hotel designed for or occupied by one family for living, sleeping and eating purposes. A dwelling unit may contain more than one set of kitchen facilities, whether temporary or permanent, provided they are used only by members of the family occupying the dwelling unit or their nonpaying guests. A dwelling unit may include up to two (2) persons per unit to whom rooms are rented in addition to a family related by blood, marriage or adoption, but if the number of such additional persons exceeds two (2) or if they use or are furnished separate cooking facilities, whether temporary or permanent, such additional persons shall be considered a separate dwelling unit.
DWELLING UNIT BACHELOR OR BACHELORETTE: A dwelling unit designed or used to accommodate unrelated persons exclusively.
DWELLING, ZERO LOT LINE: A single-family home that has, in effect, a zero foot (0') setback from one of the lot lines. For the purpose of this title, that line is a side line.
DWELLINGS, PARALLEL SIDE LOT LINE: Zero side yard setback housing with even spacing between each house.
EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION: A public or elementary or secondary school, seminary, parochial school or private educational institution having a curriculum similar to that ordinarily given in grades one through twelve (12) in the public school system. The term "educational institution", for the purpose of this title, does not include posthigh school educational facilities.
   A.   Two (2) persons and their children, grandchildren, foster children, legally established children or other similar family members living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit; or
   B.   A group of not more than four (4) persons living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit.
The term "family" shall not be construed to mean a club, group home, transitional victim home, substance abuse home, transitional home (all types), a lodge or a fraternity/sorority house.
FENCE: A tangible barrier or obstruction of any material, with the purpose or intent or having the effect of preventing passage or view across the fence line. It includes hedges and walls.
FLOODPLAIN: Land adjacent to a body of water which has been or may be hereafter covered by floodwater as delineated by the U.S. army corps of engineers.
FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY ZONE: Boundaries of the intermediate regional flood as defined by the U.S. army corps of engineers. The floodplain zone is designed to overlay or be superimposed over existing zoning within the defined floodplain. Such an overlay zone can be interchangeably referred to as a floating zone because the existing zone remains effective except for the conditions superimposed by the floodplain zone.
FLOOR AREA: The sum of the gross horizontal area of the several floors of a building and its accessory buildings on the same lot, excluding cellar and basement floor areas not devoted to residential use, but including the area of roofed terraces. All dimensions shall be measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls.
FLOOR-LOT AREA RATIO: The total floor area of a building divided by the area of the lot on which it is located.
FRATERNITY OR SORORITY HOUSE: A building occupied by and maintained exclusively for students affiliated with an academic or professional college or university or other recognized institution of higher learning and acknowledged by such institution.
FRONTAGE: All the property fronting on one side of the street between intersecting or intercepting streets, or between a street and a right of way, waterway, end of dead end street, or political subdivision boundary, measured along the street line. An intercepting street shall determine only the boundary of the frontage of the side of the street which it intercepts.
GARAGE, CARPORT: A private garage not completely enclosed by walls or doors. For the purpose of this title, a carport shall be subject to all the regulations prescribed for a private garage.
GARAGE, PRIVATE: An enclosed space of accessory building for the storage of one or more motor vehicles; provided, that no business, occupation or service is conducted for profit therein nor space therein for more than one car is leased to a nonresident of the premises. A garage shall be considered part of a dwelling if the garage and dwelling have a roof or wall in common, or are connected structurally by a physical connection such as a wall, trellis or solid fence. A private garage shall not contain parking space for more than four (4) standard size passenger vehicles.
GARAGE, PUBLIC: A building or portion thereof, other than a private garage, designed or used for servicing, repairing, equipping, hiring, selling or storing motor-driven vehicles.
GUEST HOUSE: A separate dwelling structure located on a lot with one or more main dwelling structures and used for housing of guests or servants and not rented, leased or sold separate from the rental, lease or sale of the main dwelling.
HOME OCCUPATION: Any income-producing use of property zoned for residential purposes.
HOTEL: A building designed for or occupied as the more or less temporary abiding place of sixteen (16) or more individuals who are, for compensation, lodged with or without meals.
HOUSEHOLD PETS: Animals or fowl ordinarily permitted in the house and kept for company or pleasure, such as dogs, cats or canaries, but not including a sufficient number of dogs or cats to constitute a "kennel", as defined in this section.
INCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL: Incombustible material is any material which will not ignite at or below a temperature of one thousand two hundred degrees Fahrenheit (1,200°F) during an exposure of five (5) minutes, and will not continue to burn or glow at that temperature. Tests shall be made as specified in the Uniform Building Code.
INTERNAL ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT: An accessory dwelling unit created within a primary dwelling and is located within the footprint of the primary dwelling at the time the internal acessory dwelling unit is created. This accessory dwelling unit may only be established for the purpose of offering a long-term rental use of thirty (30) consecutive days or longer.
JUNKYARD: The use of any lot, portion of a lot or tract of land for the storage, keeping or abandonment of junk, including scrap metals or other scrap materials, or for the dismantling, demolition or abandonment of automobiles, or other vehicles, or machinery or parts thereof; provided, that this definition shall not be deemed to include such uses which are clearly accessory and incidental to any agricultural use permitted in the district.
KENNEL: An establishment having three (3) or more dogs for the purpose of boarding, breeding, buying, grooming, letting for hire, training for fee, or selling, except where such establishment shall be licensed as having sportsman's privileges as provided in subsection 5-4-5B of this code.
KINDERGARTEN: A school or class for children of the four (4) to six (6) age group.
LAUNDROMAT OR LAUNDERETTE: A self-service laundry establishment where clothes are cleansed in a coin-operated machine. Laundromats or launderettes may include self-service, coin-operated dry-cleaning machines.
LODGING HOUSE: A building where lodging only is provided for compensation to five (5) or more, but not exceeding fifteen (15) persons, in contrast to hotels.
LOT: A parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by a main building or group of buildings (main or accessory), together with such yards, open spaces, lot width and lot area as are required by this title and having frontage upon a public or private street. Except for group dwellings and a guest house, not more than one dwelling structure shall occupy any one lot.
LOT, CORNER: A lot abutting on two (2) intersecting streets where the interior angle of intersection or interception does not exceed one hundred thirty five degrees (135°).
LOT, INTERIOR: A lot other than a corner lot.
MAINTAIN: Includes, but is not limited to, the following: service, repair, alter, remodel, reletter, redecorate, repaint, move or remove. It does not include the removal of signs by a licensed wrecking contractor. Owner or lessee of sign may repaint, redecorate and/or change letters or panels on his own sign.
MANUFACTURED HOME: A. A transportable factory built housing unit constructed on or after June 15, 1976, according to the federal home construction and safety standards act of 1974 (HUD code), in one or more sections which, in the traveling mode, is eight (8) body feet or more in width or forty (40) body feet or more in length, or when erected on site, is four hundred (400) or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical systems. All manufactured homes constructed on or after June 15, 1976, shall be identifiable by the manufacturer's data plate bearing the date the unit was manufactured and a HUD label attached to the exterior of the home certifying the home as manufactured to HUD standards.
   B.   A "manufactured home", as defined in the preceding paragraph, which meets HUD standards and which is placed on a permanent foundation is controlled by this title and other applicable titles the same as dwelling units constructed in the conventional manner.
MANUFACTURING, LIGHT: The assembly, fabrication or processing of goods and materials using processes that ordinarily do not create noise, smoke, fumes, odors, glare or health or safety hazards outside of the building or lot where such assembly, fabrication or processing takes place or where such assembly, fabrication or processes are housed entirely within a building. Light manufacturing generally includes processing and fabrication of finished products, predominantly from previously prepared materials and includes processes, which do not require extensive floor area or land area.
MAP, OFFICIAL: Any map adopted by the city council under the provisions of Utah Code Annotated section 10-9-402, as amended, for cities.
MOBILE HOME: A transportable factory built housing unit built prior to June 15, 1976, in accordance with a state mobile home code which existed prior to the federal manufactured housing and safety standards act (HUD code).
MOBILE HOME PARK: A parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land divided into two (2) or more manufactured home or recreation coach vehicle lots for rent. Manufactured homes and recreation coach vehicles located in a mobile home park are collectively referred to as "mobile homes".
MOTEL: Any building or group of buildings containing sleeping rooms, designed for temporary use by automobile tourists or transients, with garage attached or parking space conveniently located to each unit.
NATURAL WATERWAYS: Those areas, varying in width, along streams, creeks, gullies, springs or washes which are natural drainage channels as determined by the community development director and in which areas no building shall be constructed.
NIGHTCLUB: A place of entertainment open at night usually serving food and liquor, having a floor show, and providing music and space for dancing.
NONCONFORMING BUILDING: A building or structure or portion thereof lawfully existing at the time any applicable zoning regulations became effective, the design, erection, use, height, area or yard dimensions of which do not conform to the provisions of such regulation or regulations.
NONCONFORMING USE: The prior lawful use of land or of a building or structure which subsequently is prohibited by zoning regulations pertaining to the zone in which the building or land is situated.
NURSERY FOR CHILDREN: See definition of Daycare/Preschool Center.
OPEN GREEN SPACE: An open space suitable for relaxation or landscaping. It shall be unoccupied and unobstructed by buildings and/or hard surfaces such as asphalt, cement and packed gravel, except that such open green space may be traversed by necessary sidewalks.
PARCEL OF LAND: A contiguous quantity of land, in the possession of or owned by, or recorded as the property of the same claimant or person.
PARKING LOT: An open area, other than a street, used for parking of more than four (4) automobiles and available for public use, whether free, for compensation, or as an accommodation for clients or customers.
PARKING SPACE: Space within a building or parking lot for parking or storage of one automobile.
PAYING GUEST: Any person hiring a room in a dwelling unit for living, eating or sleeping purposes.
PERSON: One or more persons, an association, a copartnership, or a corporation or firm, either by themselves or by an agent, employee, guardian or trustee.
PLANNED RESIDENTIAL UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PRUD): A development in which the regulations of the zone in which the development is situated are waived to allow flexibility and initiative in site and building design and location in accordance with an approved plan and imposed general requirements.
PLANNING COMMISSION: The planning commission of the city of Riverdale, Utah.
PRIMARY DWELLING: A single-family dwelling that is detached and is occupied as the primary residence of the owner of record for the associated residential property.
PRIVATE DRIVE: Nondedicated thoroughfare or road used exclusively for private access to and from private land and/or developments.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE: A vehicle such as a recreational trailer, tent, camper trailer, truck camper, travel trailer, camp car, other vehicle with or without motive power, designed and/or constructed to travel on the public thoroughfare in accordance with the provisions of the Utah vehicle code, designed for the use of human habitation.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK: Any area or tract of land or a separate designated section within a mobile home park where lots are rented or held out for rent to one or more owners or users of recreational coaches for a temporary time not to exceed two (2) weeks.
RETAIL GOODS ESTABLISHMENT: A building, property or activity, the principal use or purpose of which is the sale of physical goods, products or merchandise directly to the consumer. Retail goods establishments shall not include any use or other type of establishment which is otherwise specifically listed.
RETAIL SERVICES ESTABLISHMENT: A building, property or activity, the principal use or purpose of which is the provision of personal services directly to the consumer. The term retail services establishment shall include, but not be limited to, barbershops, beauty shops, laundry and dry cleaning establishments, tailoring shops, shoe repair and the like. Retail services establishment shall not include any use or other type of establishment which is otherwise specifically listed.
SHOPPING CENTER: Multi-entity commercial complex under single ownership which leases space to various commercial establishments.
SIGN: A presentation or representation of words, letters, figures, designs, pictures or colors, publicly displayed so as to give notice relative to a person, a business, an article of merchandise, a service, an assemblage, a solicitation, or a request for aid; also the structure or framework or any natural object on which any sign is erected or is intended to be erected or exhibited or which is being used or is intended to be used for sign purposes.
SIGN, ADVERTISING: An off premises sign of less than twenty (20) square feet.
SIGN, ANIMATED: A sign which involves motion or rotation of any part, created by artificial means or displays flashing or intermittent lights. Electronic digital display LED and LCD signs are not considered animated.
SIGN, BACKGROUND AREA: The entire background area of a sign upon which copy is placed. In computing area of sign background, only the face or faces which can be seen from any one direction at one time shall be counted.
SIGN, BILLBOARD: See definition of Sign, Off Premises.
SIGN, BUSINESS: An on premises sign which directs attention to a use conducted, a commodity sold, or a service performed on the premises. A maximum of ten percent (10%) of copy area may also advertise a product not manufactured on the premises.
SIGN, CLOTH: Any sign executed upon or composed of any flexible fabric.
SIGN, COMBINATION: A sign incorporating any combination of the features of projecting, roof or freestanding signs.
SIGN, COPY AREA: The area of a sign that is used for display purposes, including the minimum frame and supports. In relation to signs that do not have a frame or separate background, sign area shall be computed on the basis of the least rectangle, triangle or circle large enough to frame the display.
SIGN, DEVELOPMENT: An on-premises sign identifying a construction project or subdivision development. The sign may contain the name of the project, name and address of the construction firm, architect and developer.
SIGN, DIRECTIONAL: On-premises incidental signs designed to guide or direct pedestrians or vehicular traffic.
SIGN, FLAT: Any sign attached to a building or other structure that projects less than eighteen inches (18") beyond the building, but extends parallel or substantially parallel thereto.
SIGN, FLOODLIGHTED: Any sign illuminated in the absence of daylight only by devices which reflect or project light upon it.
SIGN, FREESTANDING: A sign which is supported by one or more columns, uprights or braces in or upon the ground.
SIGN, IDENTIFICATION AND INFORMATION: An on-premises sign displayed to indicate the name or nature of a building or use, including all professional and business buildings, home occupations, apartment complexes and public and semi-public buildings. Temporary and development signs are classified in this category only.
SIGN, ILLUMINATED: A sign in which a source of light is used in order to make the message readable. This definition shall include internally and externally lighted signs.
SIGN, INCOMBUSTIBLE: A sign which is constructed entirely of incombustible material.
SIGN, MARQUEE: Any sign attached to or made an integral part of a marquee.
SIGN, MULTIPLE COPY: A sign which advertises other than the name of the business and the principal product or service.
SIGN, NAMEPLATE: A sign indicating the name of a person or persons residing on the premises.
SIGN, OFF-PREMISES: A sign which directs attention to a use, product, commodity or service not related to the premises on which it is located.
SIGN, ON-PREMISES: See definition of Sign, Business.
SIGN, POLITICAL OR CAMPAIGN: A sign soliciting support for a person running for public office or a sign defending or approving an issue or proposal being placed before the public.
SIGN, PROJECTING: Any attached sign extending in whole or in part more than eighteen inches (18") beyond the building line.
SIGN, ROOF: Any sign erected upon or supported by the roof or parapet of a building.
SIGN, STRUCTURE: Any structure which supports any "sign", as defined in this section. A sign structure may be a single pole or poles or an integral part of the building.
SIGN, TEMPORARY: An on-premises sign which is intended to advertise community or civic projects, real estate for sale or lease on a temporary basis. Such sign shall not be erected earlier than thirty (30) days prior to the date of beginning of event and shall be removed within thirty (30) days after event is concluded.
SIGN, TIME AND/OR TEMPERATURE: A display containing illuminated numerals to show the time and/or temperature.
SIGN, WALL: A sign which is affixed to an exterior wall of a building or structure and which projects not more than eighteen inches (18") from the building or structure wall and which does not extend more than four feet (4') above the parapet, eaves or building facade of the building on which it is located.
SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Established regulations concerning lot areas, yard setbacks, building height, lot coverage, open green space and any other special regulations deemed necessary to accomplish the purpose of this title.
STABLE, PRIVATE: A detached, accessory building for the keeping of horses owned by the occupants of the premises, and not kept for remuneration, hire or sale.
STABLE, PUBLIC: A stable other than a private stable.
STORY: The space within a building, other than a cellar, included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the ceiling next above.
STORY, HALF: A story with at least two (2) of its sides situated in a sloping roof, the floor area of which does not exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the floor immediately below it.
STREET, PUBLIC: A thoroughfare which has been dedicated or abandoned to the public and accepted by proper public authority, or a thoroughfare, not less than twenty six feet (26') wide, which has been made public by right of use and which affords the principal means of access to abutting property.
STREET, PRIVATE: A thoroughfare which has been dedicated to the abutting landowners for joint private access to private property and accepted and approved by the city council.
STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS: Any change in supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders.
STRUCTURE: Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground, or attachment to something having location on the ground.
SWIMMING POOL: Any artificial or semi-artificial container, whether outdoor or indoor, and whether above or below the surface of the ground, or both, used or intended to be used to contain a body of water for swimming by any person or persons, together with all permanent structures, equipment, appliances and other facilities used or intended for use in and about the operation, maintenance and use of such pool.
SWIMMING POOL, FAMILY: A swimming pool used and intended to be used solely by the owner, operator or lessee thereof and his family and by friends invited to use it without payment of any fee or consideration.
TAVERN: Any business establishment operating under a Class C beer license. Such establishments shall be limited in number to two (2) per lineal block 1 .
THEATER, INDOOR PICTURE: A building or part of a building devoted to the showing of moving pictures on a paid admission basis.
THEATER, OUTDOOR DRIVE-IN: An open lot or part thereof with its appurtenant facilities devoted primarily to the showing of moving pictures, on a paid admission basis, to patrons seated in automobiles.
TRIM, NONSTRUCTURAL: Nonstructural trim is the molding, battens, caps, nailing strips, latticing, cutouts or letters and walkways which are attached to the sign structure.
USE: The specific purpose for which land or a building is designed, arranged, intended or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained.
USE, ACCESSORY: A subordinate use customarily incidental to and located upon the same lot occupied by the main use and devoted exclusively to the main use of the premises.
USE, CONDITIONAL: A use or occupancy of a building, or use of land, permitted only when authorized upon issuance of a conditional use permit and subject to the limitations and conditions specified therein as provided in chapter 19 of this title intended to allow compatible integration of uses which may be suitable only in certain locations within a particular zone, or only upon certain conditions and/or design criteria being achieved.
USE, PERMITTED: Any use lawfully occupying land or buildings as authorized in the zone regulations and for which no conditional use permit is required.
WIDTH OF LOT: The distance between the side lot lines at the distance back from the front lot line required for the depth of the front yard.
YARD: An open space on a lot, other than a court, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward by buildings, except as otherwise provided herein.
YARD, FRONT: An open space on the same lot with a building between the front line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the front lot line and extending across the full width of the lot. The "depth" of the front yard is the minimum distance between the front lot line and the front line of the building.
YARD, REAR: An open, unoccupied space on the same lot with a building between the rear line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the rear lot line and extending the full width of the lot. The "depth" of the rear yard is the minimum distance between the rear lot line and the rear line of the main building.
YARD, SIDE: An open, unoccupied space on the same lot with a building, between the side line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the side lot line and extending from the front yard to the rear yard.
ZONE: The geographical area of the city within which the zoning regulations are uniform.
ZONING ORDINANCE: Title 10 of this code, as set forth and as amended from time to time. (1985 Code § 19-2; amd. Ord. 645, 6-9-2005; Ord. 647, 7-19-2005; Ord. 722, 12-2-2008; Ord. 802, 4-3-2012; Ord. 812, 8-21-2012; Ord. 847, 11-6-2013; Ord. 851, 2-4-2014; Ord. 854, 5-6-2014; Ord. 937, 8-17-2021)



1. See also definition of "license" at section 3-2-1 of this code.