Park limitations, access, encroachments, construction, use and easements:
   A.   Purpose And Objectives:
      1.   The department is responsible for the stewardship of all Riverdale City parks and trail properties, and thus any encroachments upon them. The department shall regulate all nonpark related construction activity on or across park property and provide conditions to assure preservation of the public's interest and proper restoration of the parks. Riverdale City projects shall be subject to internal policies and are specifically exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
   B.   Prohibitions: No person in any park or trail shall:
      1.   Use any park or trail property for access to adjoining or nearby property for any purpose, or to construct or install any facility or improvement upon, over or beneath park or city property except by license or easement issued or granted pursuant to the provisions of this code or by permission from the Riverdale City council.
      2.   Wilfully mark, deface, disfigure, injure, tamper with, displace or remove, any building, bridges, tables, benches, fireplaces, railings, paving or paving material, water lines or other public utilities or parts or appurtenances whatsoever, either real or personal property, or have in his possession any of the foregoing things or objects, or any part thereof.
      3.   Fail to cooperate in maintaining restrooms and washrooms in a neat and sanitary condition. No person over the age of five (5) years shall use the restrooms and washrooms designated for the opposite sex.
      4.   Construct or erect any building, inflatable or structure of whatever kind, whether permanent or temporary in character, or run or string any public service utility into, upon or across such lands, except by written permit issued pursuant to this chapter.
      5.   Climb upon or go inside security fences, maintenance service areas, or other permanent or temporary restricted areas.
      6.   Damage, cut, carve, transplant or remove any tree or plant or injure the bark, or pick the flowers or seeds, of any tree or plant. Nor shall any person attach any rope, wire or other contrivance to any tree or plant located in any park except as may be authorized by the public works director by duly promulgated rule or regulation. A person shall not dig in or otherwise disturb grass areas, drive stakes of any kind into the ground or climb trees, or in any other way injure or impair the natural beauty or usefulness of any area, except that retrieval of personal property unintentionally lodged in a tree or other plant shall be permitted, provided that such removal is achieved safely and without damage to any tree or plant.
      7.   Hunt, molest, harm, frighten, kill, trap, chase, tease, annoy, shoot or throw missiles at any animal, reptile or bird located within or upon any city park or property unless otherwise permitted by duly authorized Riverdale personnel or as necessitated as part of a city work responsibility or authorized under this chapter or other ordinances; nor shall they remove or have in their possession the young of any wild animal, or the eggs or nest, or young of any reptile or bird; nor shall they collect, remove, have in his possession, give away, sell or offer to sell, buy or offer to buy, or accept as a gift, any specimen alive or dead collected from any park areas. This section does not apply to fish lawfully taken from the Weber River.
      8.   Feeding of animals within park areas is prohibited unless otherwise permitted by duly authorized Riverdale personnel.
      9.   Horseback riding is illegal, except for police officers and their service animals in the official performance of their duties or with a special event written permit from the city, to ride a horse in park areas or upon city property. Where permitted, horses shall be thoroughly broken and properly restrained, and ridden with due care, and shall not be allowed to graze or go unattended.
      10.   No horses or other animals, except dogs and cats, shall be allowed unless otherwise permitted by duly authorized Riverdale personnel. (Ord. 843, 8-20-2013)