DEPARTMENT: The Riverdale City department of public works.
MOTOR VEHICLE: Every vehicle which is self-propelled, except vehicles moved solely by human power and motorized wheelchairs.
PARK: Any and all lands, buildings, reserves, sports complexes, trails and other special places, including the Riverdale Trail, that are owned, operated or maintained by Riverdale City, and are delineated generally in the Riverdale City parks map, and/or specifically in the inventory of park properties at the office of the city recorder.
PATHWAY: Any constructed trail which has been designated for the use of pedestrians, bicyclists, and other wheeled activities moved solely by human power.
PEDESTRIAN: Any person afoot and any person operating a wheelchair or motorized wheelchair.
TRAIL: Any improved pathway within the city of Riverdale available for use by the public on public or private property. (Ord. 783, 3-15-2011)