A.   Created: There is hereby created in the city an animal control service for the purpose of ensuring public health and safety, and resolving animal related disputes in Riverdale City. (Ord. 619, 6-17-2003)
   B.   Administrator Of Animal Control; Officers: The animal control shall be administered by the police chief. The city administration may, from time to time, appoint such other officers as they shall deem necessary. Each shall take the oath of office and be vested with the power and authority to enforce this chapter.
   C.   Powers And Duties:
      1.   The police chief, assistants and animal control officers are hereby authorized and empowered to apprehend and take with them and impound any animal found in violation of this chapter, including licensable animals for which no license has been procured in accordance with this chapter, or any unlicensed or licensed animal for any other violation thereof.
      2.   In the enforcement of this chapter, any sworn animal control officer, peace officer or the police chief or his or her assistants are authorized to enter onto the open premises of any person to take possession of any animal involved in the violation of this chapter.
      3.   The animal control officer designated by the police chief shall:
         a.   Enforce this chapter and perform other responsibilities pursuant thereto.
         b.   Supervise the municipal animal shelter under his or her jurisdiction.
         c.   Keep adequate records of all animals impounded and all monies collected.
         d.   See that all animals and animal holding facilities in his or her jurisdiction are licensed and controlled in accordance with this chapter and other applicable regulations.
         e.   Establish, in cooperation with the Weber County health department and other interested governmental agencies, adequate measures for rabies immunization and control.
      4.   Each animal control officer shall:
         a.   Enforce this chapter in all respects pertaining to animal control within the jurisdiction, including the care and impounding of animals and prevention of cruelty to animals.
         b.   Carry out all duties prescribed or delegated by the police chief. (Ord. 815, 9-25-2012)