Unless the particular provisions or the context otherwise requires, the definitions contained in this section shall govern the construction, meaning, and application of words and phrases used in this chapter.
Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the use of umbrellas, sunshades, or other usual equipment for temporary protection from the sun or elements and not for human habitation or overnight use.
The term "camping" as used in this chapter shall not be defined to include any camping activity authorized pursuant to a special event, activity or special business event license issued by the city pursuant to the provisions herein or otherwise in this code.
CAMP OR CAMPING: To do any of the following:
   A.   Sleep or establish oneself at any time between the hours of eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. and eight thirty o'clock (8:30) A.M. in any of the following:
         1.   Outdoors, with or without bedding, sleeping bag, blanket, mattress, tent, hammock, or other similar protection, equipment or device;
         2.   In, on, or under any structure or thing not intended for human occupancy, whether with or without bedding, sleeping bag, blanket, mattress, tent, hammock, or other similar protection, equipment or device.
   B.   Establish or maintain, outdoors or in, on, or under any structure, object or thing not intended for human occupancy, at any time between the hours of eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. and eight thirty o'clock (8:30) A.M., a temporary or permanent place for sleeping by setting up any bedding, sleeping bag, blanket, mattress, tent, hammock, or other sleeping equipment or device in such a manner as to be usable for sleeping purposes.
   C.   Establish or maintain, outdoors or in, on, or under any structure or thing not intended for human occupancy, at any time during the day or night, a temporary or permanent place for cooking or sleeping by setting up any bedding, sleeping bag, blanket, mattress, tent, hammock, or other sleeping equipment or device or by setting up any cooking equipment, with the intent to remain in that location overnight.
CAMPING FACILITIES OR CAMPING FACILITY: Include, but are not limited to, tents, huts, lean tos, tarps, trailers, vehicles, vehicle camping outfits or other forms of temporary shelter.
CAMPING PARAPHERNALIA: Includes, but is not limited to, bedrolls, blankets, tarpaulins, cots, beds, mattresses, pads, sleeping bags, hammocks, lanterns, stoves or noncity designated cooking facilities and similar equipment.
ESTABLISH: Setting up or moving equipment, supplies or materials onto public or private property for the purpose of camping or operating or using camping facilities.
MAINTAIN: Keeping or permitting self, equipment, supplies or materials to remain on public or private property in order to camp or operate or use camping facilities.
OPERATE OR OPERATING: Participating or assisting in establishing or maintaining a camp or camping facility.
PARKS: Public and private parks.
PLAYGROUNDS: Play lots, playgrounds, and play fields for local youth and adult recreation programs.
PUBLIC PROPERTY: All publicly owned property including, but not limited to, public streets, sidewalks, alleys, ways, creeks, waterways, parks, playgrounds, recreation areas, plazas, open spaces, lots, parcels and other forms of improved or unimproved land or real property.
STORE: To set aside or accumulate for use when needed, to put for safekeeping, or to place or leave in a location.
STREETS OR PUBLIC STREETS: Includes avenues, highways, lanes, alleys, ways, crossings or intersections, courts and cul-de-sacs that have been dedicated and accepted according to law, or which have been in common and undisputed use by the public for a period of not less than five (5) years from the effective date hereof. "Streets" and "public streets" do not include privately owned streets unless the context clearly provides otherwise. (Ord. 728, 1-20-2009)