(A)   Any applicant who is issued a city permit to operate a temporary stand for the sale of fireworks shall abide by and comply with all the regulations, laws, requirements, conditions, and restrictions set by state and local regulations and laws, which shall include:
      (1)   No person other than the official members of the organization, their spouses, parents, or adult children shall sell or otherwise participate in the sale of fireworks at the stand.
      (2)   No person other than the permitted organization shall operate the stand or participate in the profits of the operation of the stand.
      (3)   No person shall be paid any consideration for selling or otherwise participate in the sale of fireworks at the stand.
      (4)   No person under the age of 18 shall sell or participate in the sale of fireworks, and no person under the age of 16 shall be sold or given fireworks.
      (5)   All retail sales of safe and sane fireworks shall be conducted only within the permitted temporary fireworks stand; sale from any other building or structure is prohibited.
   (B)   Should the dates and times allowed by the State Fire Marshal or local Fire Protection District exceed the dates and times set by the city's code, all permittees shall comply with the city's jurisdictional regulations.
(Ord. 2018-007, passed 12-11-18)