(A)   As permitted by § 15022(d) of the Guidelines for California Environmental Quality Act (Cal. Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, § 15022(d) as promulgated by the California Natural Resources Agency and as subsequently amended are adopted by this reference. Whenever any provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act or the Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act conflict with any provision of this chapter, the California Environmental Quality Act and the Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act shall supersede this chapter.
   (B)   The ERC shall review all notices of exemption for residential development projects, within specific plan areas to insure that the project implements and is consistent with the applicable specific plan and certified environmental impact report. When making said determination the ERC shall take into account all mitigation measures, mitigation monitoring program and provisions of § 15162 of the Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act (see Cal. Code of Regulations § 15162).
(Ord. 2017-009, passed 9-26-17)