(A)   All construction subject to these regulations shall be subject to inspection by the City Engineer and the City Public Works Department in addition to inspections by the project engineer and consultants. When required by the City Engineer, additional inspections and additional testing shall be performed to verify conformance with these regulations. The cost of additional inspections and additional testing shall be borne by the property owner.
   (B)   If the City Engineer determines that any portion of the project is not in conformance with the requirements of this chapter and no waiver of such requirements has been granted, the City Engineer shall notify, in writing, the project engineer and or property owner. The project engineer and or property owner shall take immediate action to resolve the problems(s) enumerated. If corrective action is not taken to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, then the City Engineer shall impose one or more of the following:
      (1)   Issue a stop work order;
      (2)   Notify the agency issuing the bond, irrevocable letter of credit, certificate of deposit or cash deposit used as assurance;
      (3)   Do the necessary work at the property owner's expense;
      (4)   Not sign the final plat;
      (5)   Request the Community Development Department to not issue any additional building permits for this development; and/or
      (6)   Collect on the bond or irrevocable letter of credit, certificate of deposit or cash deposit.
   (C)   General inspections.
      (1)   All grading/clearing which requires a permit shall be inspected by the Building Official, City Engineer or representative in accordance with the grading/clearing permit:
         (a)   The permit holder shall provide notification 48 hours prior to an inspection request, or as specified on the grading/clearing permit; and
         (b)   The city shall provide an inspection within two working days of the request time.
      (2)   If the Building Official, City Engineer or representative finds site conditions are not as stated in the approved grading/clearing permit conditions, the City Engineer or Building Official may issue a stop work order until a revised grading/clearing sketch or plan has been approved.
      (3)   Whenever grading/clearing work requiring city inspection is concealed by additional work without first having been inspected, the City Engineer or Building Official may require, by written notice or other means, that such work be exposed, for inspection by the city.
   (D)   Final inspection of rough grade.
      (1)   All rough grading/clearing shall be completed in accordance with the grading/clearing permit prior to final rough grade inspection by the city.
      (2)   The final inspection shall be conducted by the city prior to issuance of a certificate of substantial grading/clearing conformance or release of grading/clearing assurances (if required). The permit holder shall provide a minimum of 48 hours notice to the city when any phase of rough grading/clearing is ready for final inspection.
      (3)   The City Engineer or Building Official may approve completed rough grading/clearing prior to completion of related work in cases of extreme hardship or where grading/clearing has been designed to be completed in phases, provided that no hazards exist and a performance bond has been posted to ensure completion of remaining grading/clearing work of that phase.
      (4)   The soil report and certification of sub-base requirements shall be submitted to the Building Official prior to any foundation inspections or to the City Engineer prior to issuance of certificate of final grading/clearing approval.
   (E)   Final grading/clearing inspection.
      (1)   All required grading/clearing work shall be completed in accordance with the grading/clearing permit prior to final grading/clearing inspection by the City Engineer or Building Official and issuance of a certificate of final grading/clearing approval.
      (2)   Where the conditions of a grading/clearing permit include the establishment of vegetation or other final site grading/clearing work that extends beyond the expiration of the grading/clearing permit, the city shall make a post-grading/clearing inspection within six months of permit expiration or as required by the grading/clearing permit before final approval.
   (F)   Maintenance. The owner of any private property on which grading/clearing or other work has been performed pursuant to an approved grading/clearing plan, approved land use application or approved building permit granted by the Community Development Department, shall maintain and repair in perpetuity all graded surfaces and erosion prevention devices, retaining walls, drainage structures, plantings and ground cover, or other means or devices deemed not to be the responsibility of the city or other public agency.
(Ord. 2004-006, passed 8-23-04)