§ 155.01 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this chapter is to protect the public health, safety, property, general welfare, and aesthetics by regulating and establishing performance standards for all grading/clearing (including initial clearing, brushing or grubbing, and subsequent excavating or filling) on private and public lands.
   (B)   This chapter establishes grading/clearing performance standards and permit thresholds for all grading/clearing activities designed to:
      (1)   Regulate the development of potentially hazardous terrain;
      (2)   Conserve the general visual character of grading/clearing sites and settings;
      (3)   Enhance the aesthetic value of new development;
      (4)   Conserve the aesthetic value of surrounding properties;
      (5)   Protect water quality;
      (6)   Minimize adverse impacts on air quality;
      (7)   Reduce propagation of noxious weeds; and
      (8)   Minimize adverse storm water impacts.
(Ord. 2004-006, passed 8-23-04)