§ 153.309 PROCEDURE.
   (A)   A specific plan shall be adopted by resolution, following public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. Application for other entitlements may be made simultaneously with the specific plan application. In some circumstances, simultaneous applications may be necessary.
   (B)   Concurrent with the adoption of a specific plan, the plan area must be zoned SP and assigned a number as required in § 153.308 above. The zoning and specific plan applications may be processed simultaneously. In some areas it may be necessary or appropriate to link adoption of the specific plan with adoption of other entitlements or programs such as subdivision or parcel maps, area facilities plans, design guidelines, monitoring programs, PD permits, financing mechanisms, etc. The specific plan shall define the relationship of the plan to other approvals.
(Ord. 95-06, passed 4-24-95)